I Did It For You (Chapter 28)

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'You make me believe in myself. And I love that. ~ Anonymous'


Today, I had a big surprise for Jordan, it was our monthly anniversary, which we had just started celebrating after getting back together. Just to celebrate, I had been debating on it for awhile but finally made up my mind and figured today was the perfect time, so after taking a morning shift for work I headed to the hair salon, it was time for something different. I smiled at my friends as Jeremy, Clay and Amber all waited excitedly, "So how short do you want it?" The Hairdresser asked.

"Just above the shoulders." I replied biting my lip, I couldn't wait to show Jordan, only one thing bothered me, would he like it? His opinion meant the world to me, and I so desperately hoped he liked it. After I was finished I headed to finish up the rest of my classes, totally in love with my haircut and showed my friends as I met them waiting for me at the apartment.

"Mia, you look amazing, Jordan's gonna love it!" Sadie grinned nodding in encouragement, I honestly couldn't express the excitement I had to show him.

"I hope you're right!" I replied and raced up the stairs after hearing what the others had to say and started getting ready, Jordan would be taking me out tonight, and he had no clue. I got changed into a simple blue sundress, and checked my hair in the mirror before rushing down the steps and finding him in the kitchen talking with them, he hadn't seen me yet. He turned around, "Oh." Those were the words that left his mouth as I stood there, frozen.

"Oh? Well, do you like it?" I asked my guard going up as I folded my arms and I frowned, he shook his head slowly coming to me, as I felt tears in my eyes. He reached up taking my face in his hands, "Baby girl, you're beautiful." He whispered grinning softly and wiping away the tears that fell, "You like it?" I asked my eyes lighting up, he nodded biting his lip before kissing me softly. I found myself blushing as he pulled away.

"Good. Because I kind of did it for you." He frowned looking back at them as they shrugged nodding and then back at me, "What do you mean you did it for me?"

"I wanted something different and I thought you would too."

"Baby girl, I love you no matter what you look like, you're beautiful and this haircut looks beautiful on you." I couldn't stop the grin that stretched across my face. He truly was amazing and it made me realize it didn't matter how I looked, Jordan believed in me and loved me for me, just the way I am.

We then slipped away to enjoy a nice quiet night, just the two of us, together. As we sat under the stars on his balcony I found myself content in his arms, if this was all there was for me in this lifetime, then I would always be happy, "What are you thinking about?" He asked catching my attention.

"Just about us, and this moment. That if this is all God has for me then I know I'll always be happy, because I'll have you and moments like this, and nothing else will matter, if God doesn't see more for me in this lifetime."

"Maybe, but I know I see more for you. You're smart, beautiful, strong, and have a wonderful heart and soul." I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my lips, did he really mean all that?

"Mia, don't laugh, I see lots of potential in you, and I have ever since that very first day when I saw you dance." I glanced up at him watching his face, "That first day, the way you moved across the dance floor, the passion and focus, the determination you had, there was a spark in you, a fire, and that's something that drew me to you, you're relationship with dance is something most don't have. Not only do you have the determination to push yourself, you also love it, not like most who want to persue dance, in one way or another in their lifetime."

"I never knew that."

"What? How I saw you that first day?" I noded in repsonse, "Mia, you're a beautiful dancer, never let that passion burn out." I found myself smiling and I leaned up kissing his cheek quickly, but he reached for my chin and I found myself staring in his eyes before he kissed me like he had never kissed me before, the passion and fire, lit something in my soul and I never wanted that fire to burn out. This man belived in me like no one else did and I couldn't let him slip through my fingers.

As music played in the background, the song, 'Too Young' by Sabrina Carpenter started playing and Jordan asked, "May I have this dance?" I bit my lip smiling at him and nodding as he helped me to his feet, he swung me out and back into his arms as I giggled.

"I never want this moment to go to waste." I whispered looking up at him and laying my head on his chest.

"It never has to." He whispered back, he kissed the top of my head holding me close, and I found myself thanking God for this wonderful man He had given me, because I knew this relationship was a gift from God, and so was Jordan. Jordan brought out the best in me, and sometimes the worst, but he was my everything.

"Thank you." I looked up at Jordan as I lifted my head.

"For what?"

"For loving me, and believing in me enough to stand by me and encourage me- but also for respecting my decisions and not trying to convince me otherwise. You value my opinion and don't push me too far."

"Mia, if I didn't value you're opinion, then I wouldn't value you for who you are as a person. You are strong enough for anything, and that, my dear, is one of the greatest qualities a person can have."

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