Be My Valentine? (Chapter 34)

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'Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them. ~ Bruce Lee'


In the past few month's, I'd never seen Jordan and I so happy. His career was taking off, just as my life was beginning to. With each passing day I found a new sense of joy and peace in being with Jordan and everything that we've been through. Today, Valentine's day was here, and Jordan had big plans. He promised he didn't have to work as he had already asked to have the day off month's ago, and I was so happy this day was here. I escaped my apartment complex, and met Jordan at his apartment, excited for the day's events.

"Happy Valentine's day baby girl." He greeted kissing me passionately and handing me a dozen pink roses.

"Hi." I bit my lip giddy over the fact that I got to spend this day with the most amazing man I've ever met. He let me in and I entered the kitchen to find a huge spread of food and I frowned, "Is all this for me?" I asked looking at him, he grinned biting his lip with a nod. My face lit up as I scanned the food, there was pasta, bread, salad, and decorated cookies, "I can't believe you did all of this." I shook my head, he shrugged shoving his hands in his pockets. I ran to him, throwing my arms around his neck, "Thank you, it's perfect." After we ate, we both got changed and went for a swim in the pool, he pulled me to him as I turned his way, "What?" I asked.

"So, has this been the perfect day so far?"

"Babe," I reached up holding his face, "Any day that's spent with you is the perfect day." I kissed him softly.


We'd just finished the movie, 'The Proposal', my all time favorite as I scrolled through social media and Jordan was on the phone in the other room. I paused coming across a strange article mentioning Jordan was dating someone, who wasn't me. Quickly I checked his 'Instagram' as apparently that's where the picture had been posted. Sure enough, on Jordan's page, there she was, light brown hair, blue eyes, they were just smiling, but the caption was of him telling everyone Happy Valentine's day. He walked in as I stood, "Who is she?" I asked a straight face, crossing my arms.

"Mia, she's just a friend, I've known her for years, her name is Ellie."

"Why did you post a picture of the two of you together on Valentine's day?"

"Because she's my friend and I wanted to, baby girl it means nothing okay?" He came to me tucking a strand of hair behind my ear as I nodded and he kissed my forehead, "I love you."

"I love you too." I gave a soft smile trying not to let it get to me, but something told me he wasn't being truthful. We headed over to the dance studio and danced just for fun the rest of the day and I made sure to enjoy every moment I had with him, even if it was possible he was lying.

"I had a wonderful time today." I told him as I headed to my car.

"I did too baby girl, I love you." He kissed me softly, "I love you too." I replied and got in pulling out of the dance studio drive way. Once I made it home, I couldn't help running the picture through my mind, was I overreacting?

"Hey Mia, did you have fun?" Sean asked as I entered to find them all studying.

"Yeah." I faked a smile dropping my bags by the door and sitting down next to Darrel on the couch.

"You don't look very happy, what is it?" Sadie asked as all eyes were on me.

I sighed, "It's really nothing guys, I think I'm just overreacting. Jordan posted a picture today with another girl on social media wishing everyone Happy Valentines day. I don't know, he said it meant nothing to him."

"Seriously Mia? You believe him?" Darrel asked as I frowned shrugging, "I trust him." he put down his book, "Well, you're being an idiot, where was it posted?" I gave him a look as he raised his eyebrows, "Um, 'Instagram'." I answered blinking and looking down.

"Here it is, wow..." He sighed and showed the others.

"Mia, I think Darrel is right. This is certainly cause for concern, I wouldn't be surprised if they really are dating." I could tell Clay wasn't trying to fully convince me, but to warn me.

"Okay, I'll think about it." Without another word I left, heading up to my room, would Jordan really cheat on me? I didn't know what to believe anymore, I found myself scrolling through her page but finding nothing.


All week long I had been debating on what to do, did I talk to Jordan about it or just forget it and move on, again more rumors surfaced around the campus and I sighed sitting down at the lunch table, "Did you not see it yet?" I frowned at Emily's statement as Amber seemed to be pulling something up on her phone, another picture of Jordan and Ellie, I sighed and started picking at my food, now I didn't have an appetite at all.

"Mia, this is serious, you must say something." Katie tried convincing me her eyes wide.

"No, and you better not try to intervene, just leave it alone, they're good friends that's all." I forced myself to eat my food, hoping they'd let it go. Still, when Jordan texted me that evening, I never replied, I couldn't handle it and I found myself going to bed without supper. Would he even try to justify it this time, or even deny it, should I believe him? Did I have enough reason to, he was honest before, maybe he would be this time too... or would he be?

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