The Secret's Out. (Chapter 23)

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'Maybe it won't work out. But maybe seeing if it does will be the best adventure ever. ~ Anonymous'


I helped Jordan clean up as it was getting late and the party had ended hours ago.

"So did you plan on announcing us tonight, or-"

"Mia," He sighed approaching me and taking my hands in his, "I was wrong to keep us in the dark for so long, but I just wanted to make sure it was the right timing, I didn't want you getting hurt, and I still don't want that. I love you Mia that's why I did all this- because you deserve it, we deserve it. You mean everything to me, that's all that matters." He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear as I smiled up at him.

"I love you, this was the best night ever." I bit my lip looking around grinning from ear to ear.

He reached out turning my chin to face him, "I'm glad beautiful." He whispered before leaning down to kiss me passionately.

"Um-" We both looked up seeing Sean standing there, and we both pulled away as I pursed my lips looking down and Jordan cleared his throat, "Yeah, what is it Sean?"

"Just wanted to let you guys know, we finished cleaning up and we're heading out. We had a great time and you were amazing man. Mia, see you tomorrow." I flashed a forced smile and he left.

"Now, where were we beautiful?" He asked, a grin appearing across my face and he held my face kissing me softly once more.


I stood in front of the mirror waiting on Jordan to arrive and take me to church. I remembered after getting home last night all the articles I had read, I mean sure people were judging us but we were fine by it. It didn't seem to be that big of a deal, although Jordan had talked me through everything after he announced it last night and even previously when we'd been outweighing the good and the bad of the option of telling the world. Things still seemed normal, just a little more open than before- but nothing bad about the situation had popped up yet, and frankly, I was surprised. I would have thought it would've of been a bigger deal, but then again, we just announced we're dating, so everything's still a work in progress. But I do know one thing... I couldn't be happier. He texted me and I left the apartment to meet him outside by the car, "Hey babygirl, you look beautiful, are you ready?" I smiled nodding as he greeted me with a kiss on the cheek before getting in his car.

I smiled over at Jordan my hand in his as we drove, "What?" He laughed as the Christian radio played in the background and the sun shined across his face.

"Nothing. I'm just happy." I shrugged, he smiled bigger his eyes sparkling, "I am too babygirl." He replied and I turned to look out my window. Soon enough we'd arrived I sat up taking a deep breath, "Are you okay?" He asked catching my attention, "Ever since last night-"

"Are you sure we're ready for this?" I asked sighing, he opened his mouth slightly debating what to say and frowned, "Babygirl, where's this coming from?"

"Last night and this morning, I've seen at lot about the party, and about... us."

"Yeah, isn't that what you wanted, for the world to know for me not to hide our relationship?"

"Yes, of course- I just..."

"It's scary, I get it- but I'm right here, and I promise everything is going to be fine okay? Do you trust me?"

"Always baby, always." I smiled and he gave my hand a squeeze. I looked back at the front door of the church my heart still nervous not knowing what to do.

"Hey," I looked towards Jordan, "I'm right here. Right by you, okay?" He reassured me as I nodded pursing my lips, "Let's go." He came around, taking my hand and leading me inside. We walked into the young adult sanctuary, and everyone was watching us. Neither one of us were surprised, because of Jordan's announcement last night, but we couldn't be happier, and with Jordan by my side, I knew I wasn't scared of how anyone would react anymore.

"Jordan, Mia, congratulations." Richard Fields- the young adult preacher told us, he was just slightly older than the young adults but he connected really well with them.

"Thank you Mr. Fields. We couldn't be happier." I grinned and he gave a nod before we went to take our seats.


I walked out of my final class to see Jordan standing there, "Hey you." He smiled as I just grinned.

"What are you doing here? I thought Amber was bringing me home and we'd hang out later?" We started walking out as he took my book bag and other books from my arms.

"I was wondering if I could take you out on a date tonight?"

"I would love that, what do I wear?"

"Dress up, it's a formal night... how does that sound?" I could tell he was trying to read me as I couldn't stop smiling.


"Good, pick you up at 6:30." He put the books in the back before opening my door for me and giving me a kiss on the lips as I stepped forward.


I stood in front of the mirror wearing a yellow dress, my hair up. I reached the bottom steps everyone looking my way, "So where is he taking you?" Clay asked putting his controller down and heading into the kitchen area.

"I don't know yet." I replied as my phone buzzed letting me know he was here.

"Bye guys, I shouldn't be too late because I still have studying to do." I headed out as they called out bye.

"Wow you look amazing babygirl." I was greeted with a kiss to the lips and finding Jordan in a suit, "Ready?" He asked opening the door for me.

I bit my lip, "Can't wait." I smiled getting in the car.

"So, are you going to tell me where we're going?" I asked as he still hadn't said a word about anything.

"No- but I want you to know tonight is not about anyone or anything else other than you, us, and this relationship we've built. I thought about what you said earlier and I realized I could have probably warned you a little more for all of this and I'm sorry- I was just so excited and I felt we were both ready for this- I just-" He sighed as I realized how overwhelmed he was, I wasn't the only one. I reached taking his hand and giving it a squeeze, causing him to glance my way, "Jordan, I couldn't be happier. Yes, I'll admit I was a little taken aback by the surprise, but I'm happy we did it. Thank you, baby."

"You mean that?"

"Of course I do."

"I love you Mia." He replied turning his hand so it fit perfectly in mine as my heart melted.

"I love you too." I planted a soft kiss to his cheek and he turned to me as his eyes softened and he stole my heart.

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