He's Always With Me (Chapter 6)

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'I'm only always with you, or waiting to see you again. ~ Anonymous'


Everything was fine. Jordan and I were doing extremely well, we were both so happy- but I still feared him knowing what destroyed me in my past. Everything seemed easy right now, but I also knew it wouldn't stay that way.

"Good morning." I offered a weak smile as I sighed and grabbed a banana for breakfast before heading to church.

"Somebody was up late on the phone last night." Paige pointed out causing me to grin, "Jordan?"

"Yeah- because he's got a lot of things planned and is heading home today- he also told me he's telling his parents about us, and he has a couple of interviews he has to do. So, I won't get to see him until tomorrow. Ugh, I'm just freaking out."

"Why?" Sean frowned as I rubbed my temples.

"Because," I sighed, "what are his parents going to say when they find this out?"

"She does have a point." Sadie motioned as I sighed agreeing with her.

"By the way guys- be careful who you tell people about us, the media doesn't know we're dating yet- and we'd like to keep it that way for awhile. Jordan and I are taking things slow- and if the media finds out it could be a wreck." I pointed out as they chimed in agreement.


I headed out the door of the college library only to have Clay running after me and calling my name, "What is it Clay?" I rolled my eyes stopping and folding my arms.

"Are you free for lunch?"

"Why? Don't you have to take your girlfriend to lunch?" I honestly wasn't in the mood to deal with him today- I knew he'd bring up telling Jordan everything and that was the last thing I wanted to deal with right now.

"Look I know you're upset over Jordan not being around but you can't take it out on your friends just because you think we're not going to say something. He has to know eventually Mia... you can't hide it forever."

"We-" I motioned to him and I, "are hardly friends- more like good acquaintances. And no he doesn't. I'll tell him when I'm ready so just back off Clay- I mean it." I warned before I walked away from him.

"You can't hide it forever!" He called out as I kept walking, "Watch me." I told myself as I got into my car. Once I made it back to my apartment and changed, I dialed the one person's number who always made me feel better, my bestie, Danie Reynolds.

"Hey Mia... what's up?"

"Ugh... it's been a day." Was all I said plopping back on my bed.

"I can tell." She laughed as I smiled rolling over onto my stomach.

"So, how's your day been?" We then chatted about our days and I smiled as she talked about being in her third year of high school, we had been friends for years- but about two years ago she moved away and it left me heartbroken and without my best friend, and at the time we'd had a falling out, everything had been my fault- not one thing had been her fault and she shouldn't have been blamed for any of it, but she was, which was never fair. Her blonde curls reached her shoulders, with her blue eyes, and rosy cheeks.


"Alright... it's late, I have three papers due and I haven't even started yet. Bye Danie, talk tomorrow?"

"Sure. Bye Mia." We both hung up and I stared over at my pile of work groaning. I sighed knowing I hadn't told Danie anything about Jordan- but I just wasn't ready for that yet. Danie and I shared practically anything and everything about our lives, stuff we would never share with anyone else, a promise made that was called, 'no judging'- it was our girl code we both lived by it if we ever had to talk about something extremely personal and wanted the other's honest opinion without judgement, we would do it no matter what. Then, we had our moments where we needed judgement and could be just completely brutally honest with one another- it didn't matter our age in difference because we had gotten along so well for so many years it just never mattered to either one of us.

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