Nothing Is The Same Without You (Chapter 26)

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'Sometimes we need to be apart to understand just how much we truly love each other. ~ The Notebook'


Marks Birthday was just around the corner and everyone had been planning his party forever, of course, me and my friends were in charge because we'd been Marks friends and were the first ones ever to start dancing at his studio when it first opened. He was a role model for all of us and we just wanted him to know how much we loved him. It was decided we would have the party at the studio out in the front where everyone could enjoy cake, music, dancing, and sharing stories of our beloved leader.

"Mia- don't forget to ask Jordan about performing a song." Katie reminded me as I sighed and nodded, heading to dance rehearsal. As I finished signing in, I froze, him standing before me in the hallway, "Hey, can we talk for a moment?" I asked stepping over out of the way so we could have a little bit more privacy. He nodded stuffing his hands in his pockets and waiting for me to continue, cocking his head to the side, "As you know Marks Birthday is just around the corner, and we were wondering if you maybe wouldn't mind performing a song or two, they also thought it would be an interesting idea if I danced to one of the songs, and Sadie did. It'll take place out here in the main area, if you don't want to do it, it's fine. Just let me know."

"No, actually that sounds really cool and creative, what songs were you guys thinking of and do you want them to be acoustic?"

"Actually yes, and for mine, I thought of maybe doing, 'Those Magic Changes' from Greese and Sadie wants to do 'Company' which is originally sung by Justin Bieber- but she heard you do part of a cover and thought it was perfect."

"Those sound great, should we run through them tonight? Do you guys already have ideas for the songs?"

"Yeah we both have been working at it. Can you bring your acoustic guitar to a late night rehearsal tonight? I've got classes I have to study for this afternoon and then I'm free- I already booked a dance room for us tonight."

"Yeah, I'll be here. Later Mia." He headed off nodding at some friends and I sighed before going into my room and stretching, things were different- but I was coping, Jordan and I cared about each other but neither one of us were as connected as before and that was something I missed- it broke me how distant and detached we had become.

"Mia, are you ready?" I jumped at Sean's words as he was helping me teach today and I nodded pursing my lips hoping he hadn't noticed that, "You okay?" He chuckled, 'Dang it! He did notice.'

"Yep, all good." I played it off and then turned rolling my eyes at my own stupidity.

"Great, did you talk to Jordan?"

"Yep, all taken care of. He said he'd do it." I replied my hands on my hips as I faced him and he put in a cd for our modern class today.

"How'd it go?"

"Odd, but it'll be fine. I am excited to be dancing."

"Yeah we're all really excited to see it." He nodded with reassurance and I smiled at him before people started entering.


(Jordan's P.O.V.)

Okay, so I'd have to admit, I was slightly worried about working with Mia- she definitely resented me for my actions and I honestly couldn't blame her, but I knew she'd act professional tonight. To lighten the mood and relive the tension I knew would be there, I picked up Mia's favorite Chinese food and headed on over.

"Hey, I brought dinner!" I grinned entering the room, Sadie gasped stopped stretching and raced over to grab it from my hands.

"Thank you." Mia smiled gently taking hers from my hands, I gave a nod and put my guitar to the side joining them.

"So, besides dancing, what other things do you guys have planned?"

"Well, we have a special video dedicated to him, and a photo album with tons of mementos to give him. We wanted this to be a special, kind of sentimental time for him. He loves all of us and we just want to pay it back." Mia beamed with pride.

"You're really passionate about all of this, huh?"

She sort of laughed, "Yeah, I am. He's been there for as long as I can remember and it's changed so much of my life." She nodded enthusiastically.

"That's really amazing."

"Did you tell him about the other surprise?" Sadie piped up, Mia shook her head in response as I frowned in confusion.

"What other surprise?"

"You don't have to do it, but everyone pitched in on a large check for him to redo some of the dance studio, we wanted to give back and we thought why not take a little bit of each of our earnings and giving it back to him. Even some of the people in the classes are donating to it as well. Marks has no idea."

"Mia, that sounds amazing! I'd love to donate!"

"Really? We're already up to about 2,500 dollars."

"Let me donate another 500, please."

"Jordan, that would be wonderful!" Her face lit up as I felt my heart jump a little and I smiled back at her.

"So, should we get started?" Sadie suggested.

"Yeah, you two go ahead. I'll just watch first." Mia replied as I got up to join her, seeing there was a small round bench for me to sit on as I played and sang. After running through the songs multiple times, we knew we had it down.

(Mia's P.O.V.)

"I've got to go guys! It's so late and I promised Jeremy we'd study more tonight." Sadie said as she rushed to grab her things and was out the door. Jordan sat on a bench playing a little bit of 'All I Wanna Do', he smiled at me, "Wanna sing with me a little?" He motioned with his head and I pursed my lips in hesitation before coming over and sitting next to him.

He started playing it softly and he nodded for me to join him singing, before I knew it we started moving closer and closer to each other, leaning in, his lips met mine in a very soft kiss- I pulled away, what just happened? He cleared his throat looking away.

"Um, so, I'll see you tomorrow?" I stood getting my things and he nodded, still not looking at me- once he had his things he was out the door, I sighed standing there watching the door shut behind him.

(Jordan's P.O.V.)

I reached my car, getting in as my head raced, I watched as she locked up and went to get in her car. Tonight has been amazing, I still loved her and it killed me. I knew she had to feel something for me too, "Wow." I whispered as she pulled out and I carefully followed her out of the parking lot.

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