You Can Do This... I'm Right Here (Chapter 21)

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'I want you. I want you here with me right now. I want to talk to you. I want to be with you. I want to hug you. I just want you. ~ Anonymous'


Finally the day had arrived, I paced backstage anxiously waiting for the dress rehearsal to start.

"Mia?" I turned to see Jordan there, and he grinned as he approached me, "You look beautiful baby girl."

"Thank you." I smiled and he took my hand giving it a squeeze as we waited for our cue, "Oh, are we doing the lift this time?"

"Um no, Marks said we'd practice later, okay?" I nodded gulping back my fears, had we practiced the lift enough, would we be ready for tonight? I watched Jordan as he stepped away to get his mic on, he grinned towards me and immediately I forgot about the lift and remembered just who I was dancing with.


After the dress rehearsal I got changed and stood in front of the mirror, we didn't do the lift, we'd only done it once during rehearsals this week and now I was afraid I wouldn't be able to do it at all.

"Mia? You ready?" Jordan knocked on the door causing me to jolt and I felt my cheeks flush.

"Y- yeah, I'll be right out."

"Okay I'll be right out here." I sighed as I heard him walk away, I quickly grabbed my bag and came out finding him saying goodbye to Jeremy as they exchanged a hug.

"Hey baby girl, wanna go get something to eat?" I simply nodded and took his hand as we headed out.

"Are you okay? You've hardly said anything the whole way here." He frowned as I sighed and then looked up at him, we were currently in a small diner and had just finished ordering.

"W- what if we can't do the lift." I couldn't bare to see the disappointment on his face as I looked away.

"Hey, baby girl, look at me." I obliged my eyes meeting his confused look, "I promise everything is going to be fine- and we will do the lift. I will not drop you. Okay, do you trust me?" His eyes were honest and at that moment I knew I could always trust Jordan.

"Yes." I sniffled smiling as he grinned back at me and he took my hand kissing it.

"Good, because I'm not doing this without you."


Just minutes before our dance I paced anxiously, sweaty palms, racing heart, and my mind running rampant waiting on Jordan.

"Mia?" His voice rang out and I turned to see him standing there, he quickly came to me engulfing me in a hug, not saying anything as I buried my face in his neck holding on tightly.

"Jordan, I don't know if I can do this." I admitted the words coming out in a whisper as he pulled away slightly and I stared at the floor, refusing to see his disappointed face.

"Mia, look at me." His demand was soft yet firm as he reached up lifting my chin gently and my eyes met his as I gulped, "You are the most self- confident, self assured person I know. Babygirl, what's wrong." He rubbed the side of my face- a comforting gesture smiling down at me and I half smiled up at him, before sighing and reaching up for his hand and taking it in mine.

"I may act as though I'm confident- but most of the time my mind is telling me otherwise."

"Oh baby." He cried out shaking his head and hugged me closer to him, I closed my eyes as I felt him kiss my forehead, he pulled back putting his hands on the sides of my face, "Mia, don't ever think you're not good enough or that you can't do something. You are so much more than what you give yourself credit for, okay? Don't let yourself believe those lies, you're strong enough, worth enough, and you are beautiful enough- inside and out." He then held my chin as his other arm went around my waist and kissed me softly, "Now, are you ready beautiful?"

"Yes, thank you." I nodded and I turned as they were getting ready to get started and I felt him kiss my temple speaking softly in my ear, "Anytime babygirl."

"Guys? It's time." Marks gave us a nod and Jordan kissed my forehead before I went out and sat the table out in the crowd that was in a corner, the spotlight was placed on me as Jordan walked in from the back, saying the famous words, "Nobody puts Baby in a corner. Come on" He took my hand as the crowd cheered and he walked up on stage, and the music started right on cue. We did the beginning moves just like in the movie but adding our own flair and Jordan danced into the crowd with our friends as I stood on stage watching and in that moment I had never been so happy in my life he turned back to me giving a nod and I nodded back two of the guys lifted me down off the stage and I ran to Jordan and he lifted me up above his head, the crowd roared in excitement. I'd done it, but I knew I couldn't have done it without Jordan.

In The Midst Of You Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora