In The Midst Of You (Chapter 38)

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'Love should not be a broken heart in the midst of you. ~ Anonymous'


I walked into the dance studio and as I reached the sign in desk I found Jordan standing there, things were different, things had changed, but I knew I had made the right decision in breaking up with him, I knew it would take time to move on as I was still set on Jordan and thought of him daily, "Hey, congrats on the new song, 'Always Summer' it's amazing."

"Thank you, I actually- um, I wrote it about someone very special." He gave a nod and left me there as I watched him walk away.

"Ready to get started?" Jeremy asked pulling me from my thoughts as I jumped and followed him to the room.

"You seem distracted, what is it?"

"I think Jordan wrote that song about me." He raised his eyebrows at me as I thought about Jordan's words and the way he looked at me when he said it was someone special.

"You're serious."

"Yeah, he acted really strange, I don't know." I shrugged it off, but internally I was grinning, what did this mean for us? In the midst of everything I had loved with everything in me and I had lost so much, I couldn't possibly comprehend why he would write that song about me, but I had to ask him, I had to know. After dance class, I waited noticing Jordan coming to sign out I waited by the front doors, "Hey, wanna grab a coffee?" he smiled and gave a nod, "Sure." I grinned and we met up at the coffee place near by.

"I have to be honest and tell you, why I asked you here. Did you write that song about me?"

He paused for a moment seeming to chuckle in reply but instead he glanced at me nodding, "Yeah, I wrote 'Always Summer' about you and me, our relationship. Mia, I want you to know, that in the midst of everything, I lost you because I was too afraid you didn't love me. I was wrong, and I should have been honest about everything from the beginning, like you were, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything."

"I know you are, thank you. It means everything finally hearing those words from your mouth."

"I can understand why, it wasn't right the way I treated you and I will forever regret that."

"Me too, I was in the wrong as well, but I want you to know I'll never forget the love we shared."

"Good to know you might not possibly hate me forever." He laughed as I did too but I shook my head, "I don't hate you." and in my mind I added, 'I still love you too much to ever hate you.'

"Well that's good then."

"I hate to say this but it's getting late and I should get back, I promised the others we'd study tonight."

"Alright, goodbye Mia, this was nice."

"Yeah it was." With a smile and a nod, I left the coffee shop, satisfied with myself.

"Where have you been? You're half an hour late." Darrel scolded as I rolled my eyes putting my bag down and grabbing my books with a happy grin and sitting on a pillow on the floor, "What are you so happy about?" Sean frowned as I found everyone staring at me.

I shrugged, "Oh I was just right."

"Now way." Jeremy grinned and I nodded happily.

"Right about what? I'm so confused." Amber sighed causing me to laugh.

"I just had coffee with Jordan."

"But Mia-"

"He told me 'Always Summer' is about me." I replied cutting Emily off as they all started rambling off questions.

"Hey now, one at a time." They stopped talking and I explained, "He also apologized, for everything."

"He did?" Clay seemed skeptical but I nodded softly, "I know he meant it, but we're not getting back together. I know I've said in the past I would want him back if he wanted me, but he would just choose Ellie all over again." I shrugged as it became quiet.

"Would you change any of it?" Katie caught my attention and I shook my head again, sighing, "No because it made me who I am, it changed me and he gave me the strength I needed in my darkest times."


"Jeremy!" I cried out rolling in pain, he was at my door in an instant and got down in front of the bed, he tried to calm me down but it was no use, this was a bad one.

"Jeremy, call him." Clay nodded as Jeremy sighed in response and pulled out his phone, suddenly it was put to my ear as I realized it was Jordan, "Mia, breathe, just like we talked about, you know what to do. Come on now..." he helped me through the pain and I drifted off to sleep in no time.

(Jordan's P.O.V.)

"Thanks man. She's asleep." Jeremy sighed in relief and I found myself doing the same, just because we had broken up didn't mean I didn't still care about her.

"No problem, Jeremy, I need you to be honest with me."

"About what?"

"Does Mia still love me?"

"Jordan, I can't answer that for her, she's the only one who can tell you." With that he hung up the phone. Mia had been my world before anything with Ellie had even began, she had been my light in the storm and my encouragement to keep going no matter what. In the midst of everything, 'Hamilton', Ellie, dance, my music career- I had allowed it to pull me away from her and I lost her. I would forever regret breaking Mia's heart, and I knew that was something I could never take back- but maybe someday in the future, we might just find our way back to each other, and maybe, just maybe, I'll know how to treat her right.

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