Just Give Him Up? (Chapter 15)

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'A true relationship is two unperfect people refusing to give up on each other. ~ Anonymous'


(Mia's P.O.V.)

I entered through the door of my apartment exhausted from dance classes and rehearsals, "Hey guys." I smiled with a sigh running a hand through my hair.

"Hey, good practice?" Sadie asked with a nod, as I grinned nodding before heading to the kitchen and getting out a water.

"What's up?" I asked as Clay and Sean came over taking a seat at the kitchen island, the others tuning into us.

"How are things going between you and Jordan?"

"Good, why are you asking me this Clay?"

"Mia..." he sighed before continuing and looked at Sean and Amber, before his eyes went back to me, "we just want to make sure you know what you're doing."

"What are you talking about?"

"It's just... don't you think you and Jordan are moving a little fast?" Sean questioned carefully and I looked towards Clay and the others standing around.

I folded my arms, cocking my head to the side, "I don't know, but why is that any of your business?" I shrugged frowning at them.

"It's not, we just want to make sure you know what's happening- Mia, you're in a relationship with a celebrity that doesn't really even want the world knowing you're dating, are you sure you know what you're getting yourself into?"

"What are you saying? That I should just give him up?"

Amber attempted at softening the blow- but it was too late, "Mia, no... maybe. At-"

"I can't believe you guys! Do you even hear what you're saying?!"

"Mia, come on." Clay tried with a sigh.

"No- from now on, just back off and stay OUT of my life!" I ran up the stairs slamming the door behind me, how could they have just said that to me?

'Maybe they're right- I mean, he never wants anyone to know you're dating, and his Mother hates you. Why would he even want to date you? You're a nobody.'

"Just give him up?" I asked rubbing my forehead as I sat down on my bed, "Just, give him up?" Repeating the words, I shook my head bitting my bottom lip as I stared at the floor, rocking back and fourth- there was no way I could do that. I couldn't just give him up- he meant too much to me, yet he's always on his phone, maybe they're onto something. Should I?

"Mia? It's Jeremy and Paige, can we come in?"

"Yeah." I sat there but wiped away the tears that had fallen and tried pulling myself together.

"Mia, we're sorry- we didn't mean for it to come out that way. We just want to make sure you know what you're doing."

"We just don't want you getting hurt." Paige smiled taking a seat next to me, "At least think about it?"

"Yeah, I will." I nodded smiling slightly.


"Hey I um- I invited Jordan over tonight- to talk." I told the group coming down the stairs just as the doorbell rang.

"Wait- are you breaking up with him?" Clay frowned asking as he stood up from the couch folding his arms and making his way over to me.

"Uh, no- look, I'll explain later." I nodded and then sighed as I opened the door.

"Hey baby girl- I missed you." Jordan came in wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my cheek.

"Hey you." I smiled and pecked his lips, "Come on." I took his hand and we headed upstairs to my room, away from all the judgmental eyes.

"Everything alright?" He asked as we entered and I shut the door behind us taking a deep breath and closing my eyes before I turned to find him standing there.

"Um, yeah." I attempted a smile but I could tell he didn't buy it as he moved closer taking my hands in his, asking, "Okay, what is it?" I felt his eyes on me as I looked up and then looked away hearing him sigh, "Mia, what is it?" I felt him kiss the top of my head and he became silent as he waited for a response, a sigh escaping my lips. Finally, I looked at him, "Jordan, you know how much I love you right?" Immediately he frowned.

"Of course baby girl, but what's that got to do with anything?" I motioned for us to sit down on my bed, as he still held my hand in his.

"I- I think we need to t- take a break."

"Does any of this have to do about what my Mother said to you because I talked with her and-"

"No- no." I quickly shook my head- I couldn't have him thinking that was the only reason why, "Well, yes and no, but I also do think we should both stop and think about what we're doing- what's happening, what do we want? What do you want? What do I want? Jordan, I promise you, this is not a break up. Just a break. Please understand that I'm not upset with you, I just think we might be rushing into things." My heart started to break as tears filled my eyes and I looked away, he reached out and took my chin in his hand turning my face to look at him, "I get it. For how long though?"

"You're not mad?"

"No baby girl- I mean, I don't love the idea of it, but I get it. You just need to stop for a moment and analyze what's happening. How long?"

"Just for the weekend. We can talk more on Monday, okay?"

"I love you Mia." He kissed my forehead giving my hand a squeeze.

"I love you too Jordan." We smiled at each other, and he sighed as he stood and left out the door.

I sat there, replaying the events back through my mind, what had I done? Yet, I knew this was what I needed to do. Jordan and I didn't know what we were doing, we needed some space. This would be good for us, yeah I'm sure of it. I tried smiling and nodding with determination, convincing myself of this. I sat on my bed and I could see my reflection in my mirror from my bed- as I stared at myself, Clay and Paige entered through the doorway, as she asked, "Hey, how you feeling?"

"How do you think I feel guys? I just told my boyfriend we're taking a break- I feel bad and yet at the same time, I know this is what we need to do."

"Mia, this'll be good for you guys- trust us. We just don't want you getting hurt."

I sighed and looked towards them, "I guess you're right- but I just don't want to lose him."

"Oh Mia, you won't. If you both love each other, you don't have anything to worry about, okay?" Paige reassured me as she came and took a seat next to me.

"I guess you're right, thanks Paige." I smiled and she hugged me close, "Anytime."

"You better get packing, we're heading out at ten am tomorrow morning." Clay warned as they left.

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