I Love You More. (Chapter 22)

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'This love will be the death of me, but I know I'll die happily. ~ Selena Gomez'


Just yesterday, Jordan's Ep had dropped and I was so proud of him. Tonight, he was celebrating by having a party at his apartment- where he would perform songs off his Ep, with special guest star Olivia Holt as they would perform 'Thin Air'.

"Hey baby," I'm greeted as his arms go around my waist and I smile at him my hands going on his shoulders, "you look beautiful today." He compliments and I sigh as he kisses my cheek before letting me go and I start my stretches before our dance class we're teaching started.

"Is everything ready for tonight?" I asked as he went over putting a CD in and making his way towards me as the song, 'Good For You'- the clean version, by Selena Gomez played over the speakers, "Dance with me." Is his response as he stepped forward taking my hand and placing it on his left shoulder as the lyrics start, he dips me back slowly and up, our steady breaths fill the room and suddenly he turns me to where my back is to his chest and I turn to my right walking around him little by little making my way back around to the front. I smirk intimidating him as I run my hand down the front of his chest- snatching my wrist, pausing for just a moment our eyes locked on each other, he abruptly spins me out and back into his arms again, and unceasingly takes control through the rest of the song.

The song ends and I stand in front of him as our breathing calms, "You were amazing." He complimented me, "So were you." I replied grinning as I walked away from him.


I stopped by my apartment to pick up some books before needing to head back to campus.

"Hey Mia, so did Jordan ask you to be his date tonight?" Sean asked as I entered, and I sighed in response finding a few of the others hanging out.

"No, and I'm not sure if he's going to or not." I shrugged it off as Darrel came over and took the stack of books from my arms as he asked, "Why not?"

"Well, we haven't exactly talked about us being together in public yet."

"Seriously?! Alright this is getting ridiculous Mia! You need to say something." Amber rebutted with a role of her eyes.

"I'm not sure how much of a good idea that is guys- but look, I need to grab some books, can we talk about this more later?" I walked off, knowing that it wouldn't matter either way, we'd talked about the party and the EP for weeks and he'd never mentioned me going as his date. Sure, he'd invited me and my friends but nothing about taking me as his date. I sighed and grabbed the books I needed just as I heard voices downstairs talking, I frowned and headed on down.


(Jordan's P.O.V.)

I finished up my last dance rehearsal and went to the front desk to sign out, "Excited for tonight Jordan?" Jasmine grinned.

"Yeah, you're coming right?"

"Yeah, I'm bring Fredrick- my boyfriend. Are you taking Mia as your girlfriend tonight?"

"Um, you know I actually haven't asked her yet." I frowned in realization- in the midst of everything I'd forgotten to ask Mia. How could I've been so stupid?! I didn't even hear what Jasmine said next because I'd already started walking out the door, I remembered that Mia said she had to drop by her apartment before the rest of her classes this afternoon, I knew exactly what I needed to do.

(Mia's P.O.V.)

I came downstairs to find Jordan standing there with a single purple rose in his hand, "Jordan? What are you doing here?" I half smiled at him as he grinned.

"Mia I am so sorry, in the middle of all the planning I realized I forgot one very important thing... you." He looked down at the rose, and then back up at me as he got down on one knee, my hand going over my mouth, "Mia, would you do me the pleasure of accompanying me tonight to the party as my date?"

"Jordan, I would be honored!" I exclaimed and everyone in the room cheered, Jordan smiled as he stood and gave me the rose only before grabbing me by the waist, "I love you."

"I love you more." I replied biting my bottom lip before wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him.

"I don't think so." He whispered back, our lips still touching, and we both grinned before kissing again.


I finished up the final details and stood in front of the mirror hearing a knock at the door, I took a deep breath before leaving my room. "Mia you look amazing!" Paige exclaimed.

"Thanks! So do all of you!" I beamed, just as I reached the bottom of the steps, Clay went over and opened the door Jordan stood there dressed in a suit biting his lip, "Too much?" I asked, "Because I can go change." I turned to head up the stairs, when suddenly, Jordan grabbed my waist kissing me passionately right then and there, "You're perfect." He whispered pulling away slightly and grinning at me, "Oh, these are for you." He handed me the purple roses as I smiled and smelled them, "They're beautiful, thank you. Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, so will you guys just meet us there?" He asked taking my hand in his as Clay took the flowers for him.

"Yeah, we've got to stop and pick up my girlfriend- but we'll see you guys soon." Clay nodded and Jordan pecked my cheek before walking me out.


I stood watching Jordan laughing with Olivia Holt- they were just about to start and I was so proud of him.

"Hey Mia, so how was it, walking in with Jordan?" Sean asked appearing by me along with a few of the others.

"Amazing. He held my hand and everything." I grinned and Jordan looked my way smiling as he talked with Olivia and his manager, and then he rushed to the stage.

"Hey everyone and welcome!" We all clapped and cheered for him as he grinned from ear to ear, "Now before we get started I have something very important to say to someone very special to me, she's been such an inspiration and has supported me through everything. Many of you don't know her as well as I do, but I hope you all can get to know her." He paused for a moment his eyes going to me, "Everyone I'd like you to meet my girlfriend," my mouth dropped open as I hadn't realized he was talking about me and I grinned as tears filled my eyes, "Mia Lane... will you please join me on stage?" I made my way through the crowd and onto the stage, "I love you Mia, thank you for all that you've done to support me, now will you dance with me?" He reached out his hand as someone came and took away the microphone.

"I would be honored to." I smiled taking his hand, and the crowd cheered once more, just as the start for his song, 'All About Us' came on and the lights went off a spotlight on each of us as we got into position and started dancing to the song perfectly in sync with him- by the end of the song- I'd never felt more alive and more happy in my entire life. He hugged me close as the crowd roared... to me it was the perfect ending to the perfect night with Jordan.

"I love you so much babygirl." He spoke softly looking down at me.

"I love you more." I replied as he held me and he kissed me softly.

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