Don't Drift Apart (Chapter 30)

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'I hate the feeling that we're drifting away from each other and I can't do anything about it. ~ Anonymous'


I sighed in frustration at no call or text from Jordan, I knew he was really busy, but no matter what he always checked in, even if it was just to send me a heart emoji, letting me know he was thinking of me, but the past three days, almost nothing of the sort. I couldn't understand why he distancing himself from me, or at least that's what it felt like.

"Mia... what's wrong?" Emily asked, all eyes on me. Was I losing it, or was it happening all over again, he wasn't caring enough.

"N-nothing, it's no big deal." I played it off but they still seemed worried, I knew they didn't buy it. It affected me too much not to show it.

"No, something is seriously wrong, Mia, what is it?" Sean wouldn't let it go as I shook my head, it was consuming me, I looked down avoiding eye contact and gulped, "Mia," his words were soft and as I looked up at him, I could see in his eyes, he was truly concerned.

"I-I-I can't be here." I grabbed my bag and left the cafeteria, I could make up my classes later, right now, I needed to be alone.

"MIA! MIA!" Clay yelled out after me and I could hear the others as I turned around, I gasped and turned running for my car, but Jeremy grabbed me in the middle of the parking lot and we all rushed to get out the way.

"What guys?!" I exclaimed in pure, utter frustration, they never could let anything go.

"You didn't seriously think we'd let you run off like that, all upset, did you?" Clay asked, my arms were folded as I shrugged, I knew they were only concerned, still, I debated telling them. I looked up at the hot sun that was melting my makeup off by the second.

"We're not leaving, until you give us an explanation." Clay added, not budging, as he folded his arms, leaning against my car.

"Just tell us Mia, then we can all go back inside where it's cool." Jeremy tried as I glanced up at him, biting my lip.

"Mia, come on, it's okay." Sadie assured me with a nod, and I gave a brief smile.

"Okay," I sighed, finally giving in, "It's happening again, he's not caring. I've barely seen or heard from him in three days." I admitted shamefully, was I overreacting, maybe.

"Mia, maybe he's just really busy." Darrel tried justifying his actions, but I shook my head slowly.

"He always texts me something, I get he's busy- but he promised me guys. He promised me." My voice broke at the end and I shed a few tears, quick to wipe them away, but they kept falling faster and faster, Jeremy reached out to pull me into his embrace as I cried in silence, I couldn't bare the thought of losing him, I had never loved someone so strongly in my life, I couldn't even explain to you my feelings when I was first with Jordan, and now, that had been amplified on every level possible. I didn't know it was possible to love someone this much.

"Mia, I promise we'll figure this out. After classes, you and Jeremy head to his apartment and do some studying, then when he gets home, he'll be forced to talk about it." Clay explained his plan, and I nodded in agreement.

"Guys, I really don't feel like going to class, I'm going to probably head over to the dance studio and practice some. Jeremy, can you pick me up from my apartment?"

"Sure, but you're okay, right?"

"Yes, I'll be fine, I just need some time to myself right now." He nodded in understanding, and the girls hugged me before I left in my car.


"Nervous?" Jeremy chuckled slightly as I paced the floor, knowing Jordan would be home at any moment.

"Jeremy, I know you and the others have had conflicting thoughts about Jordan- but what about you? Am I doing any of this right? Or is this called being the needy girlfriend?" I asked plopping down on the couch, next to him.

"I don't think there's any right or wrong way when it comes to loving someone and caring for them. You've been given an amazing opportunity to love someone like Jordan, I wouldn't let that go to waste. I've never seen you so happy with someone."

"Things are complicated being in the eye of the public but Jordan is always there to reassure me and show me the right way of doing things, he's become my confidant, he keeps me grounded."

"I know he does. He pulls you out of your darkest days, and makes your brightest days even brighter. Rain or shine, he's always there for you, even if, you're not dating. I'd say that's someone worth holding onto." Just then Jordan pulled up in the driveway.

"He's here." I sighed staring at the door in anticipation as my stomach knotted.

"Hey," Jeremy placed a hand on my knee catching my attention, "You've got this, don't be nervous." He nodded and I smiled giving him a brief hug before I went to stand by the couch.

"Hey baby, what are you doing here?" He asked putting his stuff down and I looked over at Jeremy who gave me a nod.

"We need to talk." He stopped taking off his shoes to look at me, finally, I had his attention. Jeremy left the room and Jordan was quick to take notice.

"Okay, about what?"

"What do you think?! About US!" I exclaimed in frustration, I couldn't hold it in anymore, he stared at me as tears pricked my eyes and I started pacing.

"What are you talking about?!" He stood to his feet, a frown written across his face.

"You still don't care, when's the last time, we sat down and ate a meal together, or you showed up for the church service with me, or even sent me an emoji?!"

"Mia, I've been working my butt off, if you wanted to do something, you should have texted me!"

"I have been! You never reply anymore, it's like you've tossed me aside, and we're nothing to you!"

"You know that's not true Mia!"

"You stopped caring AGAIN! YOU BROKE YOUR PROMISE!" That was the last straw, I broke down in tears and he ran to me kissing me passionately as I felt the pain and anxiety all melt away. He wiped away my tears without a word and held me in his arms.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry baby girl." He whispered as I heard him sniffle and I found myself crying all over again.

"I'm lost without you, please don't distance yourself from me ever again."

"I won't, I'm right here. I'm right here baby girl." He soothed in a soft whisper.

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