Be Her Healer (Chapter 8)

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'You might not know this... but I'd go out of my way just to make sure that you're okay. ~ Anonymous'

(Mia's P.O.V.)

"I know there's a lot to discuss about our relationship that we haven't covered yet- but right now I just want to hold you. You can cry, but I don't really want us to speak- I just wanna hold you close." That was all he said as I was pulled to him my back against his chest- and I was reminded of all that was happening and I started to sob uncontrollably.

"Shh... baby girl. It's okay." He continued to reassure me with continuous kisses on my head, and whispering comforting words in my ear.


Still, I felt awful- as I laid on my bed, a place I had hardly left since Friday.

"Mia- you need to get up off the bed." I just gave Paige a look before seeing Jeremy, Clay, and Sean appeared in the door.

"What do you guys want?" I shot them a glare before going back to my phone.

"Mia... come on. When's the last time you talked to Jordan?" Clay sighed as he came over sitting on the end of my bed.

"I talked to him about an hour ago for your information actually."

He raised his eyebrows at me, "Come on Mia, don't be this way- we're all worried about you."

"Good. Maybe you should be. None of this is fair- I'm done with it all. Just go, okay?" I held back the tears I was honestly not in the mood to deal with this anymore.

"Okay, but we'll be downstairs if you need us." They left the room and once they shut the door I allowed myself to break slowly. I sobbed silently, why did I have to live with this? It simply wasn't fair.

(Clay's P.O.V.)

"How is she?" Sadie asked as we all shook our heads.

"I've never seen her like this, it's as though she thinks because she has to live with this that-"

"That she doesn't think anything can get better- well believe me, this is not happening." I cut Sean off and sighed dialing his number and putting the phone up to my ear.

"Who are you calling?" Sean asked as everyone frowned.

"Her boyfriend- I have a feeling he's the only person that can help her."


"Jordan, it's Clay- we need to talk." I sighed walking out of the room.

(Jordan's P.O.V.)

"Hey man, everything okay? How's Mia?" I asked walking away from the group of people- I'd been dealing with music business all day long.

"It's Mia. I've never seen her like this, we've never seen her like this, it's bad."

"What's bad? I don't get what you're saying."

"Mia's upset, maybe even slipping into depression. What she's faced with, what she has to live with now, it's destroying who she is. Okay? She's upstairs right now breaking and you're not here next to her. It's heartbreaking to watch- we've all known her forever and the one person she needs the most isn't around. Jordan- you're the only one who can help her."

"I- I don't know if I can leave."

"You have to Jordan, she's in love with you- you're the one person she needs the most. None of us add up. None of us can comfort her the way you can, please, come. For her." I sighed knowing he was right as I gulped back the tears my baby girl was hurting and I wasn't there to help her.

"I'll be over in less than thirty minutes." I hung up without waiting on his response.

"I'm sorry but is there any chance we can wrap this up some other time? I really have to go- I am so sorry. A friend of mine is going through something serious right now and really needs me to be there for him." I didn't wait for a response and raced out the door as Frank called out my name.

(Mia's P.O.V.)

"Mia..." Katie started to speak but I cut her off as she and my other friends stood here, except for Jeremy who sat at the end of my day bed.

"I'm going to bed guys, goodnight." I sighed and reached over to shut off my lamp as I heard them leave and I started sobbing into my pillow.

"Mia? It's Jordan." I heard him knock on my door as I sat up.

"Come in." He entered as I stood up from the bed quickly wiping my tears.

"Sit baby girl." He told me and he took me in his arms as I sobbed uncontrollably- I couldn't hold it in any longer, "I just don't know if I can do this anymore Jordan."

"You have to baby girl, you have to. I promise it'll be okay. That you'll be okay. You have to remember that you can't allow this to control your life or who you are. You're so much stronger than this, and I promise it's going to get better, you're going to get better. No, you're right this isn't fair- but I'm here and I'll always be here for you."

"Promise?" I sat up to look at him and he smiled softly before reaching up to wipe my tears away, "Of course baby girl." That's when I knew I could do this, as long as I had him by my side I would be okay. I just couldn't let this control me anymore, I sighed laying back as he put an arm around me holding me close, "Shh... you'll be okay. This does not control you, Mia." He spoke softly as he held me and I closed my eyes as he kissed my forehead, "I love you baby girl."

"I love you too Jordan." I smiled at him, "Shh... go ahead and sleep." He whispered as I closed my eyes.


(Jordan's P.O.V.)

I quietly got up trying not to disturb her, I exited her room heading back to the living room where everyone still hung out.

"How is she?" Clay shot up along with the others.

"She's asleep- but she'll be okay. Let her know I'll be back in the morning. But it's getting late, I've got to go because I'm pretty sure my manager is furious with me for walking out tonight. So goodnight everyone." I smiled with a nod before I left them.

"Jordan- wait." I turned around to find Clay standing there, "Thank you for coming. Mia means everything to us. And you might not know everything yet but know that I haven't seen her this happy in forever and that's because of you. You became her healer tonight, which was exactly what she needed."

"Clay, I would do anything for Mia- I love her, she means everything to me. I don't know what I would do without her. She means more to me than anything else. Goodnight." I gave a nod and turned to leave, "Goodnight." I heard him reply after I'd stepped into the elevator.

In The Midst Of You जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें