The Hamilton Family (Chapter 31)

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'The best part of life is when your family become your friends and your friends become your family. ~ Robin Roberts'


I started walking with Jordan along the sidewalk as he slipped his hand in mine, recently we had hit a milestone for the both of us being in this relationship with one another. Nightly, Jordan would come by late and would see me for awhile before he headed home. He was sharing practically everything with me, making sure I was in the know, and always made time for us to be together or even talk daily.

"I'm excited for the party tomorrow night." I commented as he smiled placing a kiss to my cheek.

"I can't wait for you to meet the 'Hamilton' family, especially Lin, you'll love him." Lin was kind of like Jordan's best friend, they got along really well and Jordan was always talking about him. He's sort of the reason Jordan's in Hamilton, Lin is someone Jordan looks up to and really admires.

"I know he's your role model, I can't wait to meet him. He's certainly someon who inspires who you are as a person."

"You know, I'm not sure what I would do without you." He replied turning to me, pulling me close and kissing me softly as he held my face, "You mean the world to me, you know that, right?" I nodded staring into his eyes with a smile, this boy had stolen my heart and there was no giving it back.

After our walk, I went out shopping with the girls to look for a new dress for tomorrow night- which Jordan had given me the money for, "I still can't honestly belivee he gave you the money to buy any dress you want." Amber commented admiring a beutiful dark green dress.

"Not exactly, there's still a budget, he just wanted me to have something special for tommorw night." I kept looking, starting to become frustrated, would I ever find the perfect dress? I started walking off in hopes I'd come across what I wanted, I looked around, my eyes landing on a beautiful white lace dress, strapless, that would go past the knees slightly. Knowing I couldn't get it down from the display myself, I quickly rushed to get someone to help me. I hurried off to the dressing room, the second I tried it on, it was perfect. I rushed to pay for it, I had just enough money, knowing I had paid before the girls had seen the dress, I grinned.

"Aren't you going to show us?" Emily raised her eyebrows, but I smirked in triumph shaking my head, causing them to scoff.

"You'll just have to wait until tomorrow, sorry girls." I shrugged it off.


After grabbing supper with the girls, upon arriving home, we found not only the boys waiting for us, but Jordan was here as well.

"Babe, what are you doing here?" I asked my face lighting up in excitement as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Well, I got someone to cover for me tonight, and I was wondering if you maybe wanted to get something to eat."

"Oh, I already ate with the girls." I replied biting my lip.

"Then how about coffee? I just want to spend some time with you honestly."

"I'd love to, just let me grab my books, I'll do some studying while I'm there."

"Okay." He nodded, but kissed me softly before I went upstairs, "Did you find a dress?" He asked as we got seated at the coffee shop.

"Yes." I grinned, my heart giddy with excitement.

"Someone's excited." He replied as I nodded, the smile not leaving my face, "You're so beautiful." He replied as he reached out holding my cheek, "I love you so much." his eyes were honest as he stared at me, contently. Ever since our argument, we'd never been so close, I felt our hearts growing closer, and there was something about him, a new spirit I couldn't explain. His love was so strong for me, and it seemed to consume me in every humanly way possible, "What?" he asked as I realized I was staring at him.

"Nothing," I smiled with a shake of my head, "I'm just happy." I replied shrugging. He chuckled a little, "Me too, babygirl."


It was a quiet day, I was making up my classes today, unlike some. Unfortunatly, that meant I was eating lunch alone- or so I thought, I reached my locker to find Jordan standing there waiting for me.

"And just what are you doing here?" I asked as he leaned in greeting me with a kiss.

"Well, since you making up classes is kind of my fault- I felt bad and thought I'd join you for lunch today, how does that sound?"

"Perfect, actually." He gave a nod chuckling as I laughed with him. He took my hand and we headed to the cafeteria.

"So, how many more class do you have to make up?" He asked as we got seated and opening his bag of chips.

"Only three today- I still have one other I have to make up, but that's for another day."

"Ah, are they upset with you?"

"A little, yes- but honestly, I don't care what they think, it's my buissness, not theirs."

"Again, another reason why I love you." He nodded as I frowned in confusion.


He chuckled, "You don't let anyone tell you who to be. You are you're own person."

"Well, who else is there to be?" I shrugged as he laughed again.


They admired my dress as I twirled around laughing at their reactions, I just hoped Jordan would feel the same. We left, the party taking place at Lin's house, which Jordan had given us directions to. Upon arriving, it was obvious, tonight was a big night- and we had been lucky enough to of been put on the list. My eyes scanned the crowd, searching for Jordan, suddenly our eyes met and I smiled before curtesying, he grinned making his way to me, "Well, hello my beautiful date." He wrapped his arms around me and kissing me softly.

"Hello, my handsome boyfriend." I laughed in reply as I slipped my arms around his neck.

"Come on, there's some people I want you to meet." He said taking my hand and leading me to where Lin- Manuel Miranda was, he stopped his conversation taking notice of Jordan and I. The other people left us alone, and Lin smiled our way.

"Lin, I want you to meet my beautiful girlfriend, Mia Lane. Mia, this is Lin- Manuel Miranda."

He reached out shaking my hand, "Hello Mia, I'm so glad you could make it. Jordan talks about you all the time. You've had a big impact on him." He smiled with a nod.

"Well, I don't know what I'd do without him." I replied smiling at Jordan.

"You make a beautiful couple. Enjoy the rest of your evening." With a nod he left us alone.

"May I have this dance?" Jordan asked puting his hand out for me to take, I grinned nodding and taking it as he led me to the middle of the room. After dancing to a few more songs, Jordan told me had wanted me to meet a few more people, "Mia, this is Lexi and Mandy, they've really helped me get into my character."

Two brunette women stood before me and giving a nod, "Mia, you've got one lucky man there!" Lexi nodded as I laughed.

"No, I think I'm the lucky one." I replied and it was their turn to laugh. The rest of the evening, I danced and was introduced to many diffrent people Jordan admired, and it was amazing to see him be welcomed into such an amazing 'Hamilton' family.

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