I Know I Still Love You. (Chapter 27)

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'I'll always love you no matter what happens between us. ~ Anonymous'


(Mia's P.O.V.)

I arrived at the dance studio, my mind still running wild from last night's kiss. I got out of my car distracted by trying to put my phone away, I ran straight into Jordan, "Oh I'm so sorry."

"N- no it's my fault." He stumbled over his words and leaned down to help me pick up my bag I hadn't realized I'd dropped.

"Thank you." My heart raced as I stared at him, and I gulped.

"Mia, I'd do anything for you." He stared back at me, as I practically leaned in kissing him, but instead I pursed my lips, told him goodbye and rushed past him. Bursting through the front doors, Sadie, Amber, and Marks all turning to give me a confused look.

"You okay Mia?" Sadie asked coming to me quickly, Amber right behind her.

"Y- yeah. I'm fine." I answered, hoping they wouldn't notice my flushed look.

"Are you sure? You look really pale." Amber commented, concern written across her face.

"I'm sure guys, can we talk later?" I asked turning to see Sean enter and I headed over to sign in.


Marks Birthday was Friday and everyone was racing to get things ready, I had another rehearsal with Jordan in just a few minutes and I wasn't ready to face him.

"Mia, are you okay?" Jeremy asked as I stood around in the front with everyone, they were here to see how the dance was coming along, and I hadn't told them anything about what had happened between Jordan and I.

"Not really."

"What is going on with you lately?" Katie questioned as I looked towards the door and back at them.

"Jordan and I kissed." I pursed my lips and closed my eyes.

"Mia, you just broke up with the guy and now you're kissing him!?"

"I know Emily, I know. But I still love him."

"He doesn't care enough about you." Darrel butted in and I sighed knowing they were right.

"Guys, I know you aren't Jordan's biggest fans but he's still been there for me. Okay?"

"Hey, ready to get started?" I jumped turning to face Jordan and hoping he hadn't heard our conversation.

"Yeah, let's go." I smiled grabbing my bag and following him to the room. I sat down at the bench to change my shoes as I started feeling funny, I took a deep breath and got myself a drink of water joining Jordan on the dance floor as I got into my starting position, suddenly he started the song with a nod, my stomach started hurting but I started dancing knowing how important this was.

(Jordan's P.O.V.)

I watched Mia as she seemed to stumble and in a moment's notice was falling, "Mia!" I yelled out, rushing to her, "Are you okay?" I asked picking her up and bringing her to the bench to sit down.

"M- my meds. It's my stomach." She moaned out in pain.

"Okay, deep breaths remember?" She nodded and I gave her hand a squeeze doing them with her as Sadie got her medication.

"Here, feeling better?" Clay asked sitting next to her as he handed her what she needed.

"Yeah a little. Thanks, and I'm sorry." She apologized as I huffed.

"Mia, don't apologize, this isn't your fault. You just pushed yourself too far." I reassured her as she seemed overwhelmed.

"Yes but usually I can keep going and it sometimes helps- but I guess this time it was just too much." She answered reluctantly her face dropping.

"Why don't you just relax and we can try again okay? Sadie why don't you go first?" I suggested looking her way, she smiled with a nod and took off her jacket.

"Hey, it'll be alright. Okay?" I reached up holding Mia's cheek, she nodded smiling down at me, and I got up starting to walk away, "Jordan," I turned back to her, "thank you."

"I love you Mia."

"I love you too Jordan." She replied and I gave her hand one last squeeze before going to sit down on the stool.


After rehearsals we had decided to go out for ice cream and Mia had seemed to be feeling much better, "Feeling better?" I asked as we walked around a park that was nearby.

"Yeah, and I owe you an apology. I was wrong to breakup with you. After all that you've done. I-"

"No Mia, I should be the one apologizing, I am so sorry I pushed you away and ignored you. You mean the world to me and I just let you slip away. I was influenced to drink and I'm sorry I let it get so out of hand. That was wrong of me, can you ever forgive me?"

"Jordan, of course I can."

"Good, because I don't know what I'd do without you." I reached out holding her cheek and she leaned in putting her arms around my neck and kissing me passionately, "Mia, will you be my girlfriend again? Any chance you'd be willing to give us another shot?"

"Yes. Yes, I would." She nodded enthusiastically biting her bottom lip as I grinned before kissing her once more.


(Mia's P.O.V.)

It was Marks Birthday and everything was in place- now we just had to wait for him to arrive with his wife and three kids. They had taken him out to see a show today while we got set up.

"Oh here he comes!" Katie exclaimed and everyone rushed to get into there hiding places, "SURPRISE!" We all jumped out yelling and watched his face light up.

"Guys, this is amazing!"

"Happy Birthday Mr. Marks, we wanted to show you just how much we cared about you. So without further ado, please take a seat and enjoy the show!" Darrel nodded at us and Jordan took his place but not before giving me a cheeky grin as I blushed and Sadie got into position, because she was first.


"You know I never stopped loving you, right?" Jordan asked chuckling slightly as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and I leaned back biting my bottom lip and closing my eyes. He pecked my cheek and I reached up to touch his cheek as he kissed my palm causing me to giggle, I quickly realized I never stopped loving him either.

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