I Want The Truth (Chapter 11)

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'How odd is it that so much of what isn't said, isn't said because it is the truth. ~ Jim Storm'


"Morning!" I chirped entering the kitchen and finding everyone here.

"Well someone's extra happy this morning- what did Jordan say?" Emily asked as all eyes were on me, and the girls focused intensely.

"Well we talked things through and he thinks we should wait until we're stronger in our relationship to tell the media about us, and I agree." I just smiled with a shrug.

"Are you sure you're okay with that answer?" Jeremy smiled as I nodded knowing he was right.

"Of course I am Jeremy."

"Just checking." He winked just before Clay stepped up to speak.

"You know that's not the only thing you should tell him about Mia."

"Clay no, don't start this again. I am not anywhere near ready to tell Jordan anything about that."

"You're not ready to tell me about what?" I froze and closed my eyes, pursing my lips, and I turned to face Jordan.

"Nothing baby, it doesn't matter. Can we talk about it later, we're going to be late." I quickly changed the subject and headed for the door as I grabbed my stuff and he still stood there. I shot Clay a look before Jordan responded, "Uh... yeah, sure. Let's go." The drive was silent, and you could cut the tension with a knife. We pulled up to my college and I started to get out, "Thanks, I'll see you after classes."

"Mia," Jordan sighed and I turned back to him stopping myself from opening the door, "Yeah?" I pursed my lips in anticipation.

"Are you sure you're ok? What did Clay mean about you needing to tell me something else?" He frowned as we heard someone honk behind us and I let out a sigh, "Jordan- I promise I'm fine. Clay was being a jerk, can we please just forget it and not let it come between us?"

"Yeah- but don't forget, eventually I will know."

"Goodbye Jordan." I got out as my mind mocked, 'He's right- you can only hide it for so long.'

(Jordan's P.O.V.)

I realized that maybe Clay was onto something as I headed back to Mia's apartment to see if I could get some answers, I dialed Clay's number multiple times only for it to be sent to voicemail every time. What was going on that no one was telling me? Mia's friends knew- so why didn't I?

(Clay's P.O.V.)

"So do you think Mia will tell him?" Sean asked as we stood in the kitchen eating breakfast at Mia and Paige's apartment.

"I don't know, but considering he overheard us today I wouldn't be surprised if it slips out soon."

"Mia's been through so much- I think it's hard for her to tell him things." Paige pointed out, she was right, but Mia also needed to be honest with Jordan.

"Yes, but Jordan should know Mia's past. I mean she's almost made some pretty bad mistakes, I'd hate to be him."

"What mistakes?" We all turned to see him standing there tears in his eyes- "What has Mia done that she won't tell me about?!"

"We can't tell you." Katie whispered- but we all heard her.

"Why?! Why not?! Do you not think I don't notice the way she acts sometimes, it's obvious there's something going on I don't know about and YOU all do!!!" We all flinched at his harsh tone.

"You need to leave." I spoke calmly as I slowly approached him.

"No! I want to know what is going on!"

"Jordan, please. We promise Mia will tell you when she's ready, we can't speak for her." Sean added as he stood next to me.

"Fine- but tell Mia I was here. I love her and I am sick of all the secrets." He stormed out and I huffed a breath.

"What in the world was that about?" Sadie asked as I turned to her and the others.

"THAT- was about the fact that he is worried SICK over his girlfriend and what she is keeping from him. And I suggest that you ALL warn Mia about him being here." I didn't stick around to hear their response as I left, slamming the door behind me and dialing Jordan's number. I didn't care if Mia wasn't going to tell him- he had to know. I knew she'd probably hate me for it- but I couldn't stand to see him this way.


"Meet me in the park in ten minutes- I'll text you the address." I hung up not giving him a chance to respond and texted him the address as I went down in the elevator.

(Jordan's P.O.V.)

Once Clay sent me the address I headed that way, no way was I passing up this opportunity- I was petrified of losing Mia, she meant everything to me.

"Hey, thanks for meeting me."

"Clay, what's this about?" I asked as I took my seat next to him on a park bench.

"Mia-" That caught my attention immediately as I looked at him, "I know it's not my place, but if I don't tell you, Mia never will. Mia loves you- I don't think she's ever loved anyone more than she loves you. That is why she is so afraid to tell you, because she thinks if she does- she'll lose you forever."

"Tell me."

"Are you sure?"

"Clay, I have to know."

"Okay. I think you obviously know that you're not the first guy Mia's dated."

"H- how many?"

"Four other relationships- Jeremy, who was her first, Brian, he's not around as much anymore- that one was hardest on her. Sean, and myself."

"But I still don't understand what's the big deal about Mia dating four other guys."

"She almost screwed up her entire life because of these relationships. Look, I can't tell you everything but I can give you the basics- Mia's been through a lot, and she cares a lot about you. But she also cares for those who have wronged her- like myself. Mia's life is filled with memories of laughter, pain, tears, and a whole lot of love. Don't forget that when you see her."

"Hey, thanks- and sorry about earlier."

"I understand why you were so upset, I would've been if I were you and I didn't know. Oh and one more thing, Brian's relationship caused Mia to become suicidal a little bit."

"Is that true?"

"Yeah I'm afraid it is. Look Mia will tell you more about it. Goodbye Jordan." I gave a nod and he walked away as I sat there, I couldn't believe Mia had been in four other relationships and hadn't said a word to me about them. Although, I guess I don't blame her- I haven't really told her about my dating past, but it's not like she hasn't figured it out from my social media.

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