I Won't Let You Down (Chapter 19)

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'I'll never let you down I promise right here, right now I won't let you down. ~ Black Veil Brides'


"Are you ready?" Jordan asked, his hands over my eyes as he guided me through his apartment, "Mm-hm." I replied pursing my lips and smiling as I heard him chuckle- then finally he stopped, "Okay... open your eyes." He removed his hands as I gasped. We were standing in the backyard, there were lights all around, and a small table with two chairs set up underneath the tree, it was a candle light dinner.

"Oh Jordan it's beautiful." I pecked his cheek and he took my hand guiding me over.

"I'm glad you like it." He smiled as we both took a seat.

"Mia... you know how much I love you right? And I don't want anyone to ever jeopardize that."

"Of course. Jordan, what's this all about?" I frowned- he sighed and looked down then back up at me.

"I've been thinking... and I know how badly you've hated keeping us a secret."

"Yeah, but I also told you I understood why you didn't want to announce it. It would just make things really complicated- more than they've already been."

"Mia, I love how you've stuck through all of this- and I hate to say this, but I feel if I was to say anything, it could ruin what we have. It's not that I don't want to- you know how much I want this, I- I just don't want it to get screwed up." He held both of my hands in his as he said this and I could tell how much this had been bothering him.

"Jordan, hey baby," I smiled reaching up to touch the side of his face, "I'm not ready either, we've only just started this relationship. I don't want to see this end."

"Thank you so much for understanding." He kissed my hand as I smiled at this amazing man.


"Hey, so I talked to Marks and he's giving us the solo act."

"What? That's amazing!" I exclaimed at Jordan's news as he put the folder down on the counter in front of me, we were at his apartment which I'd headed on over to after classes were over.

"Yeah, so you want to do it?"

"Of course I do baby!" I smiled up at him biting my lip and then pecking his lips as I touched the side of his face.

"Great, because it's a basically the final dance from 'Dirty Dancing' and he thought we'd be perfect for it- and I'm thinking the same." He grinned down at me his arms going around my waist.

"Seriously? I can't wait."

He chuckled in response, "Good because we need to get started on the lift tomorrow."

"Alright... I can come over after classes." I suggested with a shrug.

"No, I'll pick you up, you'll need a swimsuit- so we can practice the lift in the pool at the dance studio."

"Sounds good. And I need to study..." I looked over at my books as he let me go.

"Go ahead... I need to make some calls anyway and go over some things for 'Hamilton'."

"Ok, I'll do just that." I smiled at him before going over to my book bag- he just smiled before shaking his head and biting his bottom lip as he back away.


I met Jordan at the pool in a simple black one suit, and my hair in a ponytail, knowing he'd be out in a moment I sat the edge, and remembered watching the lift on 'YouTube' last night, I just wanted to do it right. I stared down at the picture on my phone of the original 'Dirty Dancing' lift in the water and sighed.

"Don't worry, I won't drop you." I looked up to Jordan who reached his hand out and I smiled taking his hand as he helped me up.

"Ready?" He asked and I took a deep breath nodding.

"Okay, then give me your phone and get in the water." He sorta smirked but I did what he said and he met me in the water, he stood behind me as I closed my eyes and leaned into his bare chest as he rubbed my shoulders.

"Okay- it's all about balance. I've never lifted you up over my head- but we can do this. We talked about form, and discussed keeping it tight in your abdomen. Okay?" He spoke softly in my ear as I pursed my lips listening intently and nodding in agreement.

"Good, so I'm going to start with a simple lift, just trust me okay?"

"I trust you." I replied, eyes still closed.

"Good, because I'm right here. I won't let you down. Now, face me." I turned meeting his eyes, he raised his eyebrows.

"Ready?" I took a deep breath allowing him to hold me at the waist and lift me up above as he bent his knees, "Good. Hold it there." After a couple of seconds he put me down.

"Okay- next let's try you jumping up and I'll lift up above me. Whenever you're ready." He got into position as I backed away a little.

I closed my eyes just slightly nervous, "Hey, you've got this." I smiled and opened my eyes with a nod and jumped up keeping my form as he lifted me up above- almost instantly I went over his head and I squealed diving into the water. We both laughed once I made it to the surface, "Again?" I asked and we got into position.


"I can't believe we nailed the lift." I grinned as we signed out at the front.

"I can because you're amazing." He smiled at me as I blushed.

"Did you guys figure out the lift?" Marks asked as he saw us, and Jordan smiled taking my hand in his as we acknowledged his presence.

"Yeah we did. She was amazing." Jordan replied and I leaned my head on his shoulder still hand in hand and sighed contently as I held onto his arm with my other hand.

"That's great guys. Now don't forget to put your own flair on the dance. Because it's not the movie it needs to be just slightly different considering the way it's done in the first place."

"We know. We've already been brainstorming ideas. It's going to be great." I nodded eagerly as Jordan watched me smiling proudly.

"Good, I'm so glad. And you've seen who you'll be dancing with, right?"

"Yeah we've seen the list. We're going to go over it with them this weekend." Jordan informed and Marks looked between the two of us.

"Alright, well I'll let you two get out of here and I'll see you tomorrow." We both nodded before Jordan led me out.

"Wanna grab a bite to eat before I take you home?"

"Sure, but I'll need to study a little while we're there, considering all the time we've been practicing on the dance."

"Deal, now come on." He kissed my forehead and let me go as I ran over to get into the passengers seat. I was honestly so happy having Jordan apart of my life, and I knew he wouldn't let me down- no matter what, and I hoped to do the same for him.

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