I Need Time... (Chapter 16)

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'Every time I want to give up on him, there's always something inside telling me to just give it time. ~ Anonymous'

(Jordan's P.O.V.)

Immediately walking out of her apartment I regretted it, but I knew it honestly didn't matter- I couldn't change her mind. I love her too much, and she means everything to me- but right now, she needed time. Once I reached my apartment, I called my manager to wrap some things up for the next week before heading to bed.


Waking up was worse than trying to get any sleep, so I dragged myself out of bed and forced myself to get ready and go out- even if I didn't feel like it. Mia the only thought on my mind as I headed into a lunch meeting with Frank.

"Hey, ready to chat about your next couple of months?" He asked as he took a seat.

"Yeah- let's get started." I offered a weak smile along with a sigh.

"Alright, what is it? You sounded... upset last night on the phone."

"Mia- um, she told me she wanted to take a break- I guess I'm taking it kind of hard."

"I thought you said you were going with them to that beach house for the weekend."

"Yeah, I was going to- but after last night- I knew Mia needed some space. It's just- I can't get her out of my head."

"Jordan, I'd suggest going to her apartment and straightening this all out before she leaves."

"No- they've probably already left." I checked the time and remembered them mentioning how they'd be leaving some time around ten.

"Then at least try calling her and trying to convince her out of whatever your talk was about."

"Thanks Frank, I'm going to try calling her now." I tapped her contact as I walked away from the table.

(Mia's P.O.V.)

It was ten till ten as we finished loading up the three cars full of people, all the girls were in mine- except for Sarah and Emily who rode with Clay, and the other boys rode with Sean.

"Here Paige, you're driving first." I told her with a toss of my keys and hopping in the backseat by the window after the other girls had piled in. I checked my phone as we headed out, ignoring Jordan's call- even if he'd left a voicemail, I wasn't ready to talk to him, at least not just yet. The whole three hours there I thought about Jordan- constantly.


Finally we had arrived at the beach house and got unpacked and settled in. Amber and Katie shared one room, while Paige and I shared the next room over, and Sarah, Emily, and Sadie were in the room next to us. The boys were down the hall, Sean and Clay in one, with Darrel and Jermey in the next one. The boys bathroom was downstairs, while the girls was bigger and upstairs.

"Dinner!" Emily, Jeremy, and Sean called out from downstairs and we all rushed down to see what they had made.

"Looks delicious!" I beamed as everyone chimed in agreement, through supper we laughed and chatted about each other's lives and what's become of us and our friendships- it felt nice to reminisce about my past with these amazing people, yet, Jordan was still the one person on my mind.


I sat by the water my feet in the sand, it wasn't quite dark yet, but a beautiful sunset sat against the water, yet I still only thought about one thing as I had both earbuds in my ears, listening to 'All About Us', and thinking about Jordan. Sadie took a seat next to me and I offered a smile pulling out one earbud.

"You know, just because you're upset he's not here doesn't mean you can't enjoy this. Mia- I know you came here to think things through- but didn't you also come to forget about everything and just have some fun?"

"Sadie, I don't know what to do. Jordan means everything to me and just because you guys all believe that he's not good for me- I don't believe you. Because with him, I've never been happier."

"Mia, I already told you before to follow your heart. You love Jordan, so do we. We're just worried about you. We don't want you getting hurt."

"And I don't want to hurt him."

"What's one thing you and him agreed on when you first started dating?"

"That if we felt something for someone else we could call it off between each other and go after them- each of us respecting each other in that decision."

"This is exactly what we're afraid of. Mia, just be careful, okay? And it's your decision- but please take into account what we've told you." She smiled her hand on my shoulder.

"I will, thanks Sadie." We briefly hugged before she ran off with some of the others.


(Jordan's P.O.V.)

I headed into the dance studio remembering I was teaching a dance class today, and hoped it'd get my mind off of Mia.

"Hey Jordan, your dance class is in room eleven, and you're teaching... modern hip- hop."

"Thanks Jasmine." I nodded smiling at the girl at the front desk after signing in.

"Hey Jordan, I heard Mia and her friends headed up to Clay's family beach house this weekend, why didn't you go?" She asked as I was just about to walk away.

"Um, I had to work." I shrugged as she just nodded, "Hey um, how'd you know about that?"

"Clay and Mia mentioned they wouldn't be here this weekend, are you okay?"

"Yeah- I'm just fine, thanks again." I gave a nod and a smile before walking away.

"Jordan, ready to teach?" Mr. Marks asked as I passed him- I looked up offering a smile and gave a nod, "Yes sir."


After teaching two morning classes I left on my lunch break- and without hesitation I pulled out my phone and dialed Mia's number again, but it was sent to voicemail. I just couldn't understand why she couldn't at least answer my calls or send me a text. I knew she needed space- but I was going crazy, I couldn't take this for very much longer.

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