I'm Falling For You (Chapter 5)

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'And if only
you could see
the way my face
lights up
when your name
appears on my phone.
~ Anonymous'


I flopped back on my bed grinning up the ceiling, what a day. All day long I had ran the events with Jordan through my head over and over again, I couldn't help it- I knew I was falling for him. My phone buzzed as I grinned even bigger, realizing it was Jordan, 'Hey, I'm outside your apartment, wanna grab some coffee and chat?' I quickly texted him back agreeing, and stood up to check my makeup and fixing my hair before rushing out my room with my wallet and phone, "I'll be back, don't wait up!" I called out racing for the door.

"Where are you going?" I stopped, my hand on the doorknob, I looked up at Clay who stood there, arms folded as everyone watched us intently.

"I was invited for coffee. Jordan's waiting."

"Fine, just be careful Mia." He warned, ignoring the girls squealing- and I grinned before hugging him quickly and rushing out the door.


I looked to see him leaning against my car, I approached him slowly, "Hi."

I bit my lip, "Ready to go?" I nodded and we started walking. He bought me a hot chocolate and we sat for hours talking about everything from dancing, to music, and even about our families.


"Thanks again Jordan." I grinned as we reached my apartment complex, "I had a really good time."

"Me too Mia." I headed for the door, "Mia- wait." He stopped me as he grabbed my arm and I turned to face him, our faces just inches apart, he reached up cupping my face, his lips smashed onto mine as the sparks flew and I kissed him back passionately, "Woah." We gasped in unison both of us smiling, it came out just above a whisper, I searched his face, he looked down hesitating for a moment, he still held my hand securely in his but removing the one from my cheek, "Jordan... what is it?"

Finally he looked me in the eyes, he smiled, and licked his lips before speaking, "Mia, I really like you, I'm not sure where this is going- but I think I should just be upfront about it. Look, I- I know we don't REALLY know each other all that well, but Mia, would you maybe like to, say, go out on a date with me? I mean if you say no- it's no big deal, I just-"

"I'd love to go on a date with you Jordan." I cut him off and he backed away slightly before grinning from ear to ear.


"Yeah." I beamed biting my bottom lip, "When?"

"Tomorrow night?"

"Sounds perfect, I'll see you then."

He grinned again his bottom teeth going over his bottom lip as he let me go, "Goodnight Mia."

I turned back to him, "Goodnight Jordan." I waved slightly before disappearing into the building, did that honestly just happen? I headed up to my apartment, leaning my back against the door as I looked up at the ceiling, grinning.

I looked down shaking my head as I took a step forward, "Did you have a good time?" I jumped, seeing all my friends right there, Clay, with his arms folded.

"Yes and I actually have a date for tomorrow night if you really wanna know." I shot back folding my arms.

"HE ASKED YOU OUT?!" Katie gasped as I nodded laughing and all the girls squealed in excitement and so did I.


I smiled at myself in the mirror, my vintage light pink dress, I paired it with my simple white wedges, my hair up in a messy bun, my makeup simple with soft brown lips and gold eyeshadow- I grabbed my simple cream lace clutch and heard Paige call for me, "Well... here goes nothing." I took a deep breath and exited my room descending the stairs as he came into view- and he never took his eyes off of me, holding a bouquet of pale pink roses, "Y- you look amazing Mia."

"Thank you, you look nice too." I nodded as he handed the roses to me and I sniffed them before handing them to Paige. We left and he told me he was taking me to a little Italian restaurant he thought I might enjoy.

"Oh Jordan, this place is darling." I complimented him as he just grinned.

"I thought you would like it- the place certainly made me think of you when I was wondering where to take you."

"So... you put a lot of thought in this?" I asked, and suddenly I felt his hand covering mine, and I looked down at them as he turned his hand up to hold mine, and I smiled back up at him, "Of course I did Mia. I never felt this way about someone, I mean, what about you? Have you ever felt this way before?"

My smile started to fade as I pulled my hand from his, "I don't really know yet. Look, Jordan... there's a lot you don't know about me- or my past, but you have to understand it's what has made me who I am today. Soon enough... you'll know. Wether I like it or not- the truth will come out, and I'll never blame you for walking out."

"You're being serious?" He frowned and I nodded gulping, I feared him knowing my story, my past of regrets, "Mia, I'm not going anywhere. I don't care what you've been through before, I'm here to stay." I smiled weakly, wishing that were true but the subject was dropped for now as our waiter brought us our food.


"Thanks for an amazing night... I had fun." We stood outside my complex again and I bit my bottom lip as he took a step closer to me, he reached up to cup my chin and kissed me just as passionately as the night before, "Goodnight Jordan." I whispered pulling back, "Goodnight Mia." He planted a kiss to my forehead before I left him there. I smiled to myself as I entered the apartment, knowing my friends were still here, I leaned against the end of the wall, sighing with my folded arms. What an amazing night, "Wow, just wow." I whispered to myself.

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