Big Changes Are Ahead (Chapter 2)

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'A friend is someone who makes it easy to believe in yourself. ~ Heidi Wills'


(Jordan's P.O.V.)

I stripped of my t- shirt and changing into some sweat pants deciding to shower tomorrow as I got into bed, I turned over my music on my speaker and allowed it to fill the room and staring up at my ceiling, as the song, 'Focus' by Ariana Grande started to play over the speakers.

I grinned, remembering today's events, and one very special person, "Mia... gosh, what a beautiful name." It's true, after seeing her just once- I couldn't get her out of my mind. My phone buzzed as I sighed reaching over to answer it, I saw it was Ellie as I huffed and slid open my phone, 'Thanks for supper- you seemed extra happy tonight. I'm so glad, don't forget I leave for home tomorrow morning, goodnight.' I debated answering her, and decided not to. I'd known Ellie for years- she even knew my parents, considering everything. Ellie and I hade never dated one another, but we both knew that there was a slight attraction there, but neither one of us had ever followed up with those feelings. Well, except for when we were both thirteen and you can call it young and dumb, the typical I have a HUGE crush on you, when really it was just the fact that puberty was hitting us both and in which meant our hormones were everywhere at the time, and it was Ellie who had admitted to 'liking' me. I laughed at the thought of it, we were both sprouting into becoming teenagers and didn't know what the heck we were doing- plus, all the awkward stages, I had a huge amount of my own. But in the middle of everything I had never really had any typical real girlfriends or even dates, in fact, Ellie had been my first kiss, years ago.


As soon as I got up I didn't hesitate to dial David's number eager to know if he's had a chance to call Mia, "Hello?"

"Hey David, so, did you do it?" I asked staring at my reflection in the mirror.

"Yes it's been done Jordan- she agreed to do the audition."

"Good, and does she know it's me?"

"Yeah I told her."

"Really? How'd she react?"

"She squealed as I hung up the phone."

I chuckled in response, "Thanks again man- I'll see you the day of the audition." I hung up the phone a huge grin on my face- she had actually said yes, I couldn't believe it. I needed to know more about her- this wasn't enough. I quickly contacted my manager asking if he could get some information on her, he was reluctant but agreed.

"Great now off to take Ellie to breakfast before she leaves." I told myself as I hailed a cab and hopped in. On my way there I thought more about Mia, I wonder if she's dating anyone, I can definitely see myself with someone like her, either way, if she does get the part as my dance partner- her life will completely change in a flash, I'm just hoping she'll be able to handle it all, some big changes are ahead for her.

(Mia's P.O.V.)

I woke up grinning as I remembered last nights events, and quickly went to my closet- I had told my friends I had big news to tell them knowing it had been way too late to have told them last night, I grinned picking out a simple cream and floral sundress. I pulled my hair back and did my makeup quickly before rushing out the door knowing I was meeting the others at the place. I was the second to arrive, upon finding that Jeremy had beaten me here. We exchanged a hug, he was like a brother to me, we had a past- longer than anyone else's in the group but we were pretty used to it by now. Jeremy had been my first ever crush, which was typical considering one look at him and I had melted. For years we had an on-again off-again relationship, and throughout the years we had both matured as feelings had changed and I started looking at him more as a big brother I could talk to just about anything. Although, I knew why I'd called for him years ago- because of his dark dirty blonde hair, light hazel green eyes and the way he treated others.

Next to arrive was Darrel, Jeremy's roommate and Darrel's girlfriend Emily. I didn't know much about Darrel as I knew about Emily- she wasn't that into fashion but she had a great style, her long bright blonde hair, golden brown eyes and quirky personality made her stand out, while Darrel had light brown shaggy hair and brown eyes. They had been together for the longest time and I definitely saw them getting married in the next few years.

"So, do we have to wait on everyone- or are you going to tell us?" Emily asked as everyone looked up from their phones- I shook my head grinning and they went back to their phones as my roommate Paige walked in, she had bright blonde curls that she had cut short to go just past her shoulders while her soft golden brown eyes sparkled. Just as she sat down, Amber and her roommate Katie, with Emily's roommate Sadie entered making their way towards us. Amber had long golden blonde curly locks with green eyes, while Katie had black hair and deep hazel eyes, and Sadie had dirty blonde curls and deep blue eyes. The last two of our group entered, brothers and roommates Clay and Sean- Clay was a year older, while Sean was two years younger taller than Clay, and Emily was the middle child of their family. Clay had rocker bleached blonde hair and dark hazel eyes, while Sean had brown hair that reached his shoulders- and dark green eyes.

"So, what's this all about?" Clay asked as all eyes went to me and I grinned.

"I have some big news- last night I received a call from David Marks about the new celebrity dancer joining the dance studio." I waited as the girls grinned trying to keep their voices down but still squealing.

"Apparently, he saw me dance and he wants me to audition."

"Who? Who saw you?" Amber asked quickly.

"Jordan Fisher." I was giddy as they gasped and everyone congratulated me.

"Wait- are you serious? It was him?" Katie questioned as everyone watched me closely.

"That's what David said right before he hung up- he wasn't going to tell me at first who it was and once I asked he told me and then hung up. I have no idea how Jordan saw me, I guess it was when he was here to take a tour yesterday, but I want you all there the day of the audition."

"You know Mia because of this everything will change." Clay pointed out before his phone started going off and he left the table to answer it.

"Clay's right Mia- this is a big deal but it's also a lot of pressure. I mean this is a once in a lifetime chance for you, just think about it- Jordan Fisher wants YOU to audition for him. You've got amazing potential that we've all been waiting for someone like him to notice- now you have to nail this audition, because chances like this only happen once in a lifetime." Everyone agreed with what Katie was saying and I knew they were right. Some big changes are ahead for me.

"I get it- I do. Which is why I need to commit everything to nailing this audition."

"Does that mean you'll be needing our help?" Paige asked looking at the group and back to me.

"Um... yeah that's exactly what I meant."

"Well then, we can't wait!" Katie beamed as the others chimed in agreement, sure I had some big changes ahead... but I had some amazing friends to help me through it.

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