Meeting His Parents (Chapter 13)

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'The bottom line is: I don't care what other people say or think. I love you. ~ Anonymous'


I fixed my hair and clothes nervously, Jordan would be here any minute to pick me up to meet his parents at his apartment. I couldn't believe this was happening. The doorbell chimed and I took a deep breath before I rushed down the stairs.

"Hey baby girl, you look beautiful." He greeted me as his arms went to my waist and he pulled me to him, kissing me, "Nervous?" I nodded no words coming out of my open mouth, "Don't be." He led me out and we got into his car he'd just gotten a week ago.

"Mia, breathe- I promise everything is going to be fine." He reassured me his hand on my leg and music playing over the radio.

"What if they don't like me?"

He looked over at me, eyebrows raised, "Then they'd be insane not to."

"I mean it Jordan." I didn't care if I was whining- I didn't want them hating me.

"I am too Mia." As he looked over at me- I could see in his eyes he meant that, and the rest of the drive he told me about his parents- and about how they adopted him and his siblings. I understood this, I'd been adopted too as a little girl- and I loved being able to have that in common with Jordan.

Finally, we arrived and I realized his parents hadn't arrived yet, "I thought you might wanna help with making dessert." He shrugged and I grinned over at him.

"Okay what are we making?" I asked as he helped me put on an apron and he did the same.

"How does, chocolate cake sound?"

"Perfect." He nodded as he started getting out ingredients and instructing me where they were as I helped him.

"Okay, it says that we need two cups of flour- I'll put it in." He told me reaching for the cup from my hand as I just smiled at him.


"They'll be here any minute baby!" He called out as I stood in his bathroom reapplying my lipstick just as I heard the doorbell and descended the stairs.

"Ah, you must be Mia- it's a pleasure to meet you." His Father reached his hand out and shook mine warmly.

"Nice to meet you both, you must be Mrs. Fisher." She offered a small smile as I reached out to shake her hand.

"Alright, Mom, Dad, come on in and we'll get started eating." Jordan led us into the dining area- "Dad, help me with the cake?" He asked as the timer went off.

"Sure son."

"Mrs. Fisher I just want you to know that I love your son-"

"Sweetie, I understand that you care for Jordan, and love him, but you need to let him go."

"Um- excuse me?"

"You're just not right for each other- I love my son, and if you love him, you'll let him go. You're holding each other back."

"Well, I'm sorry you feel that way- but that's not true, Jordan means everything to me and we care about each other."

"Honey, you are so naive. It's only a matter of time."

"Dinner's ready!" Our conversation was cut short as Jordan and his Dad entered the room and we headed to the dinning table to eat.

"Uh, Dad, why don't you pray?"

"Of course son." I sat across from Jordan's Father, while Jordan sat across from his Mother. I wanted so bad to tell Jordan how she'd treated me- but I knew that'd be wrong of me to do. I couldn't just tell him what she'd done from the start, that was no way to be on good terms with him and his family. Once he finished praying we got started eating, his Father asking me questions here and there.

"How are you handling each other's careers by dating?" His Mother piped up a fake smile across her face. I couldn't handle it as I looked down at my plate.

"Actually," I felt Jordan's hand over mine as he gave it a squeeze and I looked up to see his smiling face, "because we're dancing together- it hasn't been that big of a deal, now it'll be a bit of an adjustment when I start 'Hamilton' but I know we'll do fine. We like where this is going and I think we care about each other enough to support one another and love each other even when we're apart."

"Jordan's right-"

"And how are you handling keeping it a secret?" Mrs. Fisher cut me off as I felt threatened by her, not knowing what to say and yet biting my tongue to stop what I wanted to say.

"Mother- stop it, now." Jordan warned her and she seemed slightly in shock, along with myself, my head shooting over to look at him.

"Now, that's enough." Mr. Fisher warned.

"Sorry." They both apologized. After that Dinner flew by fast and we avoided the topic of Jordan and I dating specifically.

"Thanks for coming it was so amazing to meet you both."

"The pleasure was all mine." Mr. Fisher smiled shaking my hand and I started for the door to get it for them, at least until Mrs. Fisher grabbed my arm stopping me, "I suggest that you stop trying to pretend like everything is going to work out- because believe me, you will lose him. My son is a celebrity and deserves someone so much better than you." My mouth hung open- and I didn't know how to reply.

"Mother!" Both of our heads shot to Jordan and his Father, both looking extremely disappointed towards us.

"I- I'm so sorry, please excuse me!" I ran out of the room knowing I couldn't handle this.

(Jordan's P.O.V.)

"I think it's time you left, both of you." I led them to the door- opening it for them.

"I'm sorry son." My Dad gave a nod before he led my Mother out the door, I was dumbfounded- how could she? I thought she'd love Mia- guess I had that all wrong. I rushed off to find Mia, seeing her sitting at the kitchen island practically in tears.

"I'm so sorry baby girl." I started to approach her but she stood shaking her head and backing away slightly, "Mia? What is it?"

"Maybe she's right, maybe we shouldn't be dating."

"What for the media's sake? Or because my Mother threatened you to stop dating me?"

"H- how-"

"Because as much as I love her, this isn't the first time she's hated a relationship I've been in. Mia, I don't care what she thinks, I love you too much to let her come between us. Do you believe me baby girl?" I asked as I now stood in front of her, she nodded as I reached up cupping her cheek, and leaned in kissing her.

"I love you too Jordan." She whispered her arms going around my waist and I hugged her back. I couldn't lose her out of my life- no matter what my parents thought, it was my life, and my decision on who I dated.

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