You Broke Me. (Chapter 35)

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'When you start to wonder wether you can trust someone or not, that is when you already know you don't. ~ Anonymous'


As the day dragged on, the more I felt lost and confused, I didn't know who to believe. So after classes, I headed to the dance studio, Jordan was working late today, and that made me hope, he wold give me some space, except I was wrong. I walked in laughing with the girls, as I met him at the counter, "You and I need to talk." I gulped, my smile dropping upon seeing his face, he wasn't happy. I signed in and moved around him to get to my room as he followed, "What? So you're just going to ignore me now?" He asked arms folded, he sighed when I didn't respond, and reached out to grab my arm, "Mia-"

I whipped around, "What do you want me to say? Because it's getting harder and harder to believe you. You're lying to me and everyone knows it, and this time, I believe them. I'm not saying you're cheating but there's definitely something you're not telling me." The tears filled my eyes as he gulped never saying a word he let go of me not looking me in the eyes, "See, I knew it. Let me know when you've got your prioritites straight and you know what you want, because I refuse to be second choice." With that he nodded solemnly before turning to leave. I hadn't reallized what I had done until he had walked out the door and found myself lost in a sea of uncertainty. Would this be the end of us?


(Jordan's P.O.V.)

"Ellie, stop trying to justify that what's been going on between us is okay! I'm with Mia and I'm hurting her because you suddenly decide you have feelings for me and want to give us a shot!"

"Jordan, you can't possibly think we're doing anything wrong, all that we've been doing is talking on the phone."

"Yeah, only because you don't live here, I know you see us as a couple, but Mia thinks I'm cheating and I think she's right."

"Jordan, please don't do this."

"I have to Ellie, it's the right thing to do."

"I love you Jordan."

"I know you do." I whispered and hung up the phone not being able to handle hearing her cry, I had to make things right with Mia, but would I be too late?

(Mia's P.OV.)

"Mia, I'm afraid we have some bad news." I frowned at Darrel looking around at everyone as they entered my bedroom, Sadie plopping on the bed next to me.

"What is it?"

"I ran into Frank today and he told me some upsetting news." Clay gulped and it seemed as though he couldn't keep going, so Sean spoke up.

"Jordan IS cheating on you, Frank told us specifically."

It was Jeremy's turn to speak and he got down in front of me, moving some hair out of my face as he sighed deeply, "Ellie admitted to Jordan she loved him, he told her he loved her back, and they've been talking on the phone, video chatting and texting everyday ever since."

"We're really sorry Mia, but Clay says that's what Frank told him." Sadie tried to comfort me-but it was too late, There it was, the truth, I nodded numbly and went back to staring at my computer screen as I didn't know what else I could do.

"Let us know if you need anything." Jeremy said and it took them a moment before they left the room and I pulled myself from my daze and started to put my laundry away. I glanced up to see him standing there, "They already told me. So, don't think you can convince me otherwise. We're done Jordan, so get out." No tears had fallen yet and he never said a word as he turned to leave and once I knew he was gone, I fell to the floor and broke down crying as they all rushed in to comfort me, my world was crashing down and there was nothing they could do to fix it.

(Jordan's P.O.V.)

I heard Mia's cries as the others ran up to be with her and I felt the tears fall as I forced my feet to keep moving and I broke once I left her apartment complex, what had I done? I had one of the greatest loves of my life and I let her slip right through my fingers, I pulled out my phone calling Ellie, "It's done, she broke up with me."

"Oh. So, when's our first date?"

"You just never give up, do you?" She giggled through the phone as I sighed pulling out and glancing back, 'I'll never forget you Mia Lane.'

(Mia's P.O.V.)

"What did I do?!" I screamed through the pain, it consumed me as I laid there and the stomach pain hit causing me to cry even harder, "MIA BREATHE!!" Jeremy yelled as I gasped and sobbed even more, it wasn't going to go away.

"I'll stay with her." He told them and I moved over so he could hold me in his arms, "Somebody get me a heating pad and a wet rag."

"It'll be okay. You'll be okay." Jeremy tried to reasure me as he wiped my face with the wet rag, but it was of no use.

"It's hurts. It hurts so bad." I cried out in agony as I felt tear drops on my head and I knew he was crying too as he kissed my head and held me closer. That night, I allowed the darkness to consume me, I had given Jordan everything and he had shattered it to pieces. He never cared like I thought he did and it made me believe he never would again.

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