A New Year Ahead Of Me... (Chapter 25)

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'Single. Isn't a status. But it's a word that describes a person who is strong enough to live and enjoy life without depending on others. ~ Anonymous'


"Mia, you okay?" Emily asked, concern written all over her face.

"Yeah, I am." I admitted smiling, my heart was breaking, but I knew it was the right thing.

"Okay, let us know if you want to talk about it or if you need anything, okay?" Clay told me as I smiled nodding.


It's been three days since breaking up with Jordan and I was slowly getting back to normal. We'd both gone our separate ways, but every time I looked back on it, everything felt so complicated and hard. He understood what I wanted and respected that. Kindness was shown between us as we passed each other in the hallways of the dance studio, as he had given me a full apology.

I headed into the cafeteria and took a seat at the table with the others, as Jeremy had gotten pizza for us today, "How are you doing?" He smiled and I gave a nod smiling at everyone.

"So, what do you think of the decorations so far?" Katie asked showing me the plans.

"Looks great guys, when are we heading up there tomorrow?"

"After afternoon classes. So we don't miss much." Darrel answered before grabbing another slice.

"Um, Mia, what's Jordan doing here?" Sadie pointed towards the door as I looked that way to see him entering, he scanned the crowd before coming our way.

"Hey guys, um, Katie, can we talk?" They left the table as I watched them intently wondering what was happening.

"Mia, you okay?" Emily asked pulling me from my daze.

"Y- yeah, I'm fine." I stumbled over my words and suddenly losing my appetite, I left the cafeteria, I couldn't handle it.


It was late, but we had made it. I closed my eyes breathing in the ocean air sitting with the others as they gathered around on the beach towels, Clay with a guitar in his hands. He played a soft acoustic tune as we enjoyed just being together.

"You turn 22 tomorrow Mia, how does it feel?" Katie asked with a nudge.

"Life changing." I sighed in response because it was true, my life was changing, but I was still as happy as I could be.

"Mia, you should know I'm not interested in Jordan and yesterday all he was asking was about dancing."

"Really? I- I-"

"I know it's okay, I'd be jealous too." She reassured with a smile.


"Happy Birthday!" They all exclaimed as I came down the stairs.

"Thanks guys!"

"Hungry?" Clay raised his eyebrows showing off the pancakes they'd made.

"Starving." I replied grabbing a plate and sitting down with them, all morning we laughed and talked about old memories and told stories of me. After breakfast they started getting the decorations up as I went upstairs to take a bath.

After my bath and I had changed into something comfortable starting on some work, just as the doorbell rang.

"Mia, it's for you!" Emily called out and I frowned wondering what it was heading down the stairs, I found Darrel standing there with a large bouquet of flowers.

"Oh my gosh, who sent these?" I asked as they sat them down and I grabbed the card, 'Happy Birthday babygirl, I hope it's a good one. - Jordan', I looked up at them, "Jordan, he sent them." I pursed my lips, and looked over at the flowers as Sean took the card from my hand.

"Gosh." He sighed and I nodded in agreement.

"I- I'll be upstairs if you need me." I gave a brief smile and rushed up the stairs to text Jordan and thank him. He still cared, and I loved him because of it.


"Mia, you look amazing!" Sadie complimented as I finished my simple gold eyeshadow.

"Thank you!" I gushed and finished the rest of my makeup, keeping my lips a soft light pink. Katie put my hair up, and I finished getting ready.

"Okay, we'll see you downstairs in a few." Emily grinned as they gave hugs and headed down to get started because I'd be making my entrance in a few minutes, I took a deep breath in the mirror, "22 years old, let's do this!" I grinned and spun around before heading out of the room, the song, '22' by Taylor Swift started as I made my way down the stairs everyone cheering. "May I have this dance beautiful?" Jeremy asked as I smiled taking his hand and he guided me to the dance floor, for the rest of the night I tried to forget everything except for the fact that it was my Birthday and I had the most amazing friends ever.

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