I Wanna Know You (Chapter 4)

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'I can't seem to get the thought of you and me being together out of my head... ~ Anonymous'

(Jordan's P.O.V.)

After officially meeting Mia's friends we headed out to eat, and I was currently sitting next to her as she laughed at a story one of her friends was telling, she was adorable as she laughed even bigger and covered her face sighing big.

"Oh I love this song!" She gasped and the girls started singing the lyrics with her as the boys just shook their heads.

"Is she always like this?" I asked, they nodded as Sean answered, "Sometimes- other times, she's really down to earth, other than that she just loves to have a good time."

I watched her for a moment, I wanted so bad to know her... and to be with her, I wanted to date Mia, but the real question was, did she feel the same?


(Mia's P.O.V.)

It was day one of dancing with Jordan. I honestly couldn't believe this day had come, I checked my closet for the perfect outfit, I was so nervous. I just wanted everything to go perfectly- I couldn't screw this up, Jordan could drop me instantly if I didn't follow his orders, I knew he was the leader in the dance class, that pretty much meant he was my boss. Finally I grinned settling on one of my favorite little dresses, a white strapless, lace trimmed, decorated with a pink floral print. I pulled my hair back into a ponytail, and put on some simple makeup, slipped into some flats walking out the door of my room as I descended the stairs- I entered the kitchen to find Paige eating breakfast.

"So are you excited?" She asked as I nodded burning my bottom lip, "Alright, well good luck- I'm out of here." She gave me a wink before heading out the door, she looked back waving at me- I waved back before she shut the door behind her. Jordan knew I had to work this afternoon- but that I was free to rehearse this morning, and as I quickly made myself a smoothie and enjoyed as I danced around to one of my current favorite songs, 'Fly' by Maddie and Tae. Jordan was picking me up in five minutes, I actually couldn't wait to be his dance partner.

(Jordan's P.O.V.)

I walked up to Mia's apartment complex, "Hey Jordan!" I looked up to see her roommate, Paige waving at me.

"Hey Paige, I'm here to pick up Mia."

"I know, you can go right in, doors unlocked- the only time we ever lock it is honestly if we're both gone or it's late at night."

"Oh thanks Paige- later." She nodded and I headed on in, I heard country music playing from inside as I frowned and opened the door and entering, I grinned as she danced around her kitchen singing the words to Hunter Hayes' song, '21'- she turned around stopping abruptly as she came face to face with me, her cheeks turning red, "Uh- Paige told me I could just come on in, sorry I didn't meant to interrupt your- um your dance break, but it's getting late- and we need to get going." She doesn't respond and instead grabs her bag, and heads out the door, and I can't help but grin as I follow after she's locked the door behind us.

"So... you like Hunter Hayes?" I offer to make conversation as I lick my lips, and she nods as we get into the elevator and pressed the button for us.

"Actually," She started as the doors closed and she turned towards me, "I like lots of different styles of music- everything from pop, country, a tiny bit of rap, Christian, I've just recently been interested more in R&B- and a whole lot more."

"R&B? Like my music?"

"Yeah, just like yours." She grinned bitting her bottom lip as the doors opened.

(Mia's P.O.V.)

I was nervous as heck as we reached my car, "Keys?" I didn't say anything as I gave them to him, he made sure to be a gentleman and opened the door for me as I slid in and he shut it after I mumbled a quick thank you. What was happening right now?

Music played through the car radio as he drove in silence and my brain rattled, no doubt, I definitely felt something for Jordan... but can you blame me? I was pulled from my thoughts as we pulled up to the dance studio, I got out, more nervous than I'd probably had ever been in my entire life.

"David said we needed to head to his office before we get started." Jordan commented as we headed inside... instantly people came up to him, begging for autographs, eventually we made it to Mr. Marks office.

"Ah, Mia, Jordan- please come in." He smiled warmly as we were both led inside.

"I just wanted to briefly speak with you both about a couple of things. First off, today isn't your first time dancing together, correct?"

I looked at Jordan before answering, "No, it's not."

David smiled, "Good. Now if for any reason- something happens between the two of you, an argument or if one of you simply, just can't make it- or possibly one of you gets hurt and can't dance, we'll immediately set you up with someone else- or we'll cancel that day all together. Just simply because sometimes it's better to cancel than for one of you to teach the entire dance to someone else. But for the best option, I would suggest you each teach a friend the dance moves, in case of that situation. Third, watch what music you choose, Mia you already know this- no explicit music is allowed for dancing to, especially in a class under eighteen years old- it's our main rule. I just wanted to make that clear- I don't exactly know what your style of music is Jordan. Anyway, you both can go- thank you."

"Thank you sir, bye." Jordan smiled and placed his hand on the small of my back leading me out of his office.

He was silent as we walked to where our room was- "So, do you have anything we need to talk about before class starts- I mean considering you are my boss."

"What?" He started to chuckle, and I froze, as he frowned, "Mia, I'm not your boss, okay? We're partners, dance partners. Alright?" He held both of my arms, and I had to hold myself together, I wanted to kiss him so bad.

"O- okay."

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