You Never Loved Me (Chapter 37)

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'I couldn't unlove him; and I didn't want to. ~ Anonymous'


I woke up to find I was still wearing last nights outfit and Jeremy had fallen asleep in a chair next to my bed, he honestly hadn't left my side, and I couldn't be more grateful. Last nights events hit as my head ached and I groaned from the pain as Jeremy stirred awake.

"Yeah, last night was..."

"Interesting." We both laughed as I finished his sentence and I sat up, "I'm sorry." I apologized immediately as I started to cry all over again.

"Mia," He rushed over to hold me close, "don't cry, please." He begged kissing the top of my head.

"But it's all my fault."

"Why would you blame yourself? He's unstable- but that has absolutely NOTHING to do with you, okay?" He sat back wiping my face as I smiled at him.

"Good, you're awake. Jordan's downstairs." Clay said appearing at the door as I sighed looking at Jeremy for what to do. He quickly realized what I was doing and frowned, "Do you want to see him?"

"No, but I need to." I took a deep breath nodding and I brushed my hair and changed my clothes before descending the stairs as they all waited on me.

Jordan rising from the couch, "Mia,"

"Stop right there." I put my hand up as he gulped, "Are you even sober this time?" I felt the emotions building in me as I approached him slowly and he looked up at me nodding solemnly.

"Mia, I'm so sorry about last night."

"Now, that's a start." I replied with a nod, folded arms. I knew I wasn't making this easy, but I honestly didn't care anymore.

"I shouldn't have lashed out at you like that, it was wrong of me."

"Since you're finally thinking clearly, why are you here?"

"Because I still love you." I saw the tears in his eyes as my mouth dropped open slightly and I noticed the girls reactions behind him.

"You love me? I thought you loved Ellie. You know, just call me when you've made up your mind." I turned and ran up the stairs to finish getting ready before classes.

"Mia..." He sighed but I ignored it and rushed to my room shutting the door behind me and sliding down the back of it, I ran a hand through my hair in frustration, he would never understand what it felt like to be me, to be the girl he never cared about.

"Mia," Jeremy knocked on the door as I stood to answer it, "he's gone." He told me as I opened the door.

"Good, I need you to drop me off today."

"You're going to class, are you sure that's such a good idea, you guys just broke up."

"Yeah, and I spent a whole day wallowing in guilt over him, I'm done with that. Give me half an hour." I didn't give him a chance to argue with me and closed the door in his face, I got into some more decent clothes, my hair was fine from last night and I did some basic makeup before descending the stairs.

"Mia, are you sure about this?" Sean asked, but I knew what they were doing, they didn't want to see me break, and they wouldn't, fake it till you make it, right?

"I'm sure, Jeremy, let's go." Nobody else tried to argue with me and we all left out the door. I took a deep breath as we pulled up, "Mia, if things get to be too much, you call me and I'll be here in just a few seconds okay?" He raised his eyebrows but I nodded and left the car walking inside with my head held high, there were whispers but I ignored them and smiled as I walked through the halls, I would keep my head held high and allow my friends to fight the battle they believed was their responsibility.


After a quick supper and some studying I started for my room, "Are you going to be okay tonight?" Jeremy asked, "I promise, I'll be fine guys, goodnight." They echoed the words back and I descended the stairs as I fell asleep the tears fell silently.

(Jeremy's P.O.V.)

"It's not just me right? That was odd."

"Yeah, I mean one day she's breaking down in tears and the next she's fine?" Katie frowned in response.

"Maybe not, maybe she's angry." Sean added with a shrug but Emily frowned at her brother, "At us?" he shook his head, "No, at Jordan."

"He's right, maybe she's just trying to figure out a way to cope with the anger and the pain she feels." I tried to justify it, but I knew this wouldn't last long once he made his decision.

"What is it Jeremy?" Clay caught my attention as I rose to my feet, "What if this is all until Jordan decides he doesn't want her, then what will happen?" They all saw the worry and fear written across my face.

"Then when that moment comes, we'll all be here, waiting for her." Sadie encouraged with a smile.

"Sadie's right, you can't control everything man." Darrel added with a nod, I licked my lips with a sigh, how bad exactly would it be?


(Mia's P.O.V.)

The morning had gone fine so far and I sat with everyone at lunch, Jeremy had joined us, sitting next to me, my phone went off as it caught the table's attention, "It's Jordan." I sighed glancing at Jeremy, I got up and left the cafeteria answering it, "Jordan?"

"Mia, I just want you to know, I think it's best if we're only friends, I'm sorry if I led you on in any way."

"No, I get it. I'll support you in everything, good luck Jordan."

"Goodbye Mia." Once that phone call ended, I found myself running out the front doors in tears, when suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around me securely and I held on tight, "It's okay Mia, I'm here."

"Jeremy." I gasped crying harder, "Shhhh." he hushed me and I sobbed harder, I should have known Jordan never wanted me back, and he never would. We were finished and so was my heart, I would never love again, the way I had loved him. A love like this, only comes once a lifetime, and if you don't take your chance and cherish it with all your heart, then you missed out on the best love story of your life. For with love, comes heartbreak, but eventually it becomes healing and understanding.

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