New Chances (Chapter 29)

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'When given an opportunity, deliver excellence and never quit. ~ Robert Rodriguez'


(Mia's P.O.V.)

I grinned as I remembered what today was- Jordan's debut in 'Hamilton'. He'd been working so hard at learning his lines and now his time had finally came for him to make his debut.

"Tonight's the night." I smiled at him as I met him outside my apartment complex- we were meeting earlier because it was just a little under an hour away and he had to be extra early today.

"Hello beautiful, and yes it is." He greeted me with a kiss on the forehead, "Let's get that coffee and talk for about half an hour then I have to go."

"Sorry my apartment makes it so far." I apologized, as he took my hand in his.

"Don't apologize baby girl... I don't mind." His words caused me to grin. Things had been going really well between us and Jordan promised me we would stay connected this time.


I got out of my third class for the day as my phone started ringing and I grinned realizing it was Jordan face timing me.

"Hey baby! How's it going?" I asked seeing him in his costume.

"Great. We're about to go out on stage and I wanted to call you, you're coming tonight right?"

"Yeah- you got me front row tickets- I wouldn't miss this for the world. I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you- uh, I gotta go they're calling me to set. Bye baby girl, I love you!"

"Bye I love you too!" I blew him a kiss before hanging up, now that made my day.

"Hey, wanna join us?" Jeremy asked motioning to the table where my friends were as I entered the cafeteria, "Sure, just let me grab my food." I told him heading for the line.

"Sadie already got it for you. Come on." I shrugged and followed him, knowing I really couldn't argue- I was starved and I would probably eat whatever she had gotten me.

"Hey guys." I smiled as I sat down and everyone mumbled their 'hellos' before chatting amongst one another again.

"So, how are you holding up?" Sadie asked handing me my tray and I instantly thanked her for the large slice of pepperoni pizza and Cherry Pepsi she sat in front of me.

"I'm actually doing okay- yes I miss him like crazy, but he called me before going back out on stage and I'll get to see him tonight so I know I'll be fine. I've just been finding myself checking my phone every ten minutes because no matter how busy he is, he usually texts me constantly- but he's only texted me twice and called me once since this morning."

"Sorry, it must be hard." She apologized and then I grinned as Dayton, one of the hotties who was new on campus as of this year and was also her partner in drama class came over to the table.

"Hey Sadie, can we talk?"

Her head whipped around her mouth slightly open as she stared up at him, "Uh, sure." She gave sort of a half smile, "Great, grab your lunch and follow me." He informed her and she got up as everyone watched and her eyes went wide as she grinned before walking away with him.

"That boy will be the death of her." I shook my head diving into my pizza as they all laughed.

"You know we're all really happy for you and Jordan, right?" Emily asked as she cuddled with her boyfriend.

"Yes, you guys have shown a change in how you react about Jordan and I can't thank you enough. I've never been happier."

"We know Mia, and you deserve what's best." Clay nodded in reassurance.

"Thanks Clay- that means a lot. Hey, are you bring your girlfriend tonight? Jordan said he'd be happy to get you another ticket."

"Yeah she wants to come."

"Alright I'll text Jordan and let him know."

"Oh my gosh guys! Dayton just asked me out!" Sadie exclaimed rushing to the table.

"Awww Sadie that's awesome!"

"You'll help me get ready right girls?" We all nodded and she sat down telling us how it had happened and already stressing over what she would wear.


"Hey, can I borrow that?" Amber asked pointing to my red lipstick that I never wore but was given to by a friend.

"It's all yours, that color is way to dark on me." I widened my eyes as they laughed.

"And just what does Jordan think?" Sadie asked raising her eyebrows playfully, causing me to snort.

"He thinks I look good in anything, and I think the same about him." I shrugged it off- but it was one of my favorite things about him, he thought I was beautiful, no matter what I wore or what outfit I chose to wear. He loved me for me, every flaw, imperfection, and scar I had. Whether it was physically, mentally, or spiritually that I struggled he would always be there, to guide me and not let me fail. His strength was what I loved most, he always inspired and pushed me to keep going, no matter how much I wanted to quit. I may be weak but he could be my strength in the midst of any and all pain that tried to consume me whole.

(Jordan's P.O.V.)

I rushed to get ready, the nerves setting in once again. My heart rate leapt and I started hyperventilating, the nerves would settle, but my heart wouldn't stop pounding in my ears as my palms got sweaty. One of the crew workers came by giving me a water, I so desperately needed. In no time, I was calm and felt immediate relief. I reached for my phone, knowing my parents would be here soon and found a text from Mia wishing me good luck. I found myself calling for one of the workers tonight and a man named, Jake, appeared at my door.

"Jake, you remember me telling you about my girlfriend, who's coming tonight, right?" He frowned for a moment but smiled as I showed him a picture of us, "When she gets here, escort her backstage to my room, I want to see her before I go on." Knowing she would be just what I needed, I couldn't wait to see her. It probably sounds crazy, but I felt as though without Mia, I wouldn't be here, able to do any of this. She's become of my greatest inspirations, pushing me to keep going and to always do my best.

(Mia's P.O.V.)

I quickly put the finishing touches on my outfit before rushing downstairs to greet the others. Tonight I word a classy black dress, with red trim and my hair was curled, I knew this would easily become one of Jordan's favorite outfits. We arrived by limo and were taken to our seats, which were second row.

"Mia?" I looked up to see a young man standing over me.

"Yes, that's me."

"Ah, I thought so, my name is Jake, Jordan wanted me to come and get you before the show starts. So, if you will follow me..." He trailed off, he offered his hand to me as I stood and he brought me backstage to Jordan's dressing room, knocking on the door and leaving me there.

"Hi baby girl," He greeted me, "You look stunning!" he took my hand, twirling me around, a kiss planted upon my cheek.

"Thank you, you wanted to see me?" I frowned in confusion as he licked his lips. Reaching out, he held my face with both of his hands.

"Just to tell you how much I love you." He replied and kissed me softly, and I felt myself melting from his touch, as he kissed me even more passionately and I pulled away wiping my lips, blushing.

"Are you nervous baby?" I asked holding onto him as he kept his arms around my waist, he stared me in the eyes answering honestly, "Yeah, a little."

"Why? You're so amazing at all of this, you deserve it. A brand new chance for you to spread your wings and fly." I ensured him placing my hands on his chest.

"And that's another reason why, I love you." His voice was soft as he reached up putting a strand of hair behind my ear, "So beautiful." he whispered, eyes watering and he planted kiss to my forehead before holding me close.

"Hey, I know you'll do amazing. Good luck out there." I smiled a kiss to his cheek and leaving the room, before almost breaking down instantly. I loved him, more than I had loved any other man I'd ever dated.

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