......... TWO AND A HALF HOURS LATER.........

I took a look at the time, after having baked for what seemed like a whole day: it was already 5.00! Oh my God, Chanyeol would be coming to pick me up in around 30 minutes! But thankfully, my last batch of cinnamon roll was in the oven for already 15 minutes; so they would be ready in a few minutes. I quickly went to have a bath and got ready. Choosing the right clothes for the event was ALWAYS so nerve wracking; I could literally spend a whole hour trying to find the right garments to wear, and that still would not be enough! However, the funny thing was that whenever I was really in a hurry, I would not care about my appearance, and would get ready in 15 minutes! Maybe that was because I had spent the night thinking about what to wear the next day... hahaha! And hence, I put on a pretty dark blue, knee-length floral dress, which I got from one my aunts. I have been waiting for an opportunity to wear it again, and it would seem that now was the time to wear it! Not to mention that I had already imagined a scenario in which everyone would be looking at me, mesmerised, and would be praising me and telling me how beautiful I was...! Ah... Well, I have the right to dream right!?  


Oh my God, Chanyeol was already here!?!? I was not quite ready yet; I still had to look for a pair of shoes to wear! Moreover, I had not yet packed the cinnamon rol-


 Perfect! He was getting impatient, just perfect! Oh, I was so going to be yelled at! I quickly rushed down and opened the door.

"Well you took your swee-"

"I know babe, I know! SORRY! I'll be ready in a jiffy though- Uh, hey, what is it?"
He was staring at me as if he was not expecting to see me..! And that too while standing in front of my own house..! Who was he expecting then!?

"Huh..? Huh, oh...! Nothing..! I don't think I've ever seen you in this dress before."

"I've worn it when my aunt was getting married. Remember Aunt Vanessa?"


"Well, I had worn it then. Come in! I'll pack the cinnamon rolls right a- Hey! Are you listening to me!?"
Oh, had my charms conquered him...? Well, it would seem so, as he had his eyes on my dress all the time! HA! Yes! I succeeded in charming someone at least! Thank you my precious dress!


"By the way, the dress is really pretty isn't it!? I really love it! And those new earrings I bought really complements my look, wouldn't you say!?"

"Yes, indeed... You look so pretty right now..."
HA! I knew it! Yes! I wanted him to continue praising me like that...! Pitiful, you say? Well, I am not used to hearing praises all the time; it is quite the contrary...! So, a compliment would definitely make me happy anytime!

"Aww, thank you! I am not overdressed right?"

"Oh no... Not at all. Oh my God!"

"What? WHAT!?"

"That means that I must not leave you on your own, even for a millisecond!"
And that little sly smirk surfaced. Oh how I missed that naughty smirk of his...!

"Oh really...? I see... Hehehe... Are you really serious about that now..?"

"Yes, I am. Hehehe..."

"Okay, we'll see about that shortly. For now, can you please help me in packing those cinnamon rolls, while I get a pair of shoes to wear..."

"Of course! Go get those shoes now!"

"Oh and no eating! Oh, I should remove the last batch from the oven..!"

"You see the consequences of procrastination!?"

"Excuse me but I was NOT procrastinating! Not at all, mister! My feet and back are hurting like hell!"

"Aw my little short baby...! Okay, I'll give you a massage after all of this is over. What say?"

"Hmm, how generous of you... This is suspicious of you as-"

"No time to chat! Go get ready, once and for all!"

"Yes, right away!"

And hence, I ran upstairs to my room to find my pair of shoes. But I somehow felt that he still had his eyes on me, and that was certainly not to my discontent...! But would I be able to impress his band mates- ah...! There was no need for such a thing now was there? I certainly did not want all eyes on me...! All I had to do there was give Chan and his parents a helping hand, and enjoy myself...! 

"Have you found them!? Hurry up, we are getting late! Baekhyun and the others are due soon!"

"It's been a while since I heard about Baekhyun...! I sure missed him! Hehehe... No I- Oh yeah, I laid my hands on them!"

"Hou mished im huh...?"
Huh? What did he say? Oh no... He had better not eaten any of those cinnamon rolls..!!

"Well... Kind of- Okay! I am ready! Wait I'll give you- AHH! CHANYEOL! I told you not to eat them...!"

"Showy but it'sh-ard to reshisht."

"I wonder how did my brain even manage to decipher that blabber of yours! Now please, no more! Oh by the way, how is it? Is it as good as usual!?"

"Of course it is! You may now sell them to that pastry shop..!"

"Silly...! Mom's way better than mine, but I appreciate it. Thanks babe. Now, let me pack those few... There! We are ready to go! Let me lock the door... There!"
We were then making our way to Chanyeol's car.

"And where is your mom?"

"Didn't I tell you that she had gone out with dad?"

"Oh yeah..."

"I swear... You are becoming old! Now if you would be so kind to unlock the door, my good sir."

"Done. Get in."

And hence, we drove to Chanyeol's. I was honestly getting kind of nervous as it had been a while since I saw his band mates. I would see some of them on the campus but some, like Kyungsoo, had to work too. But I was more nervous to meet his uncle...! I was actually feeling excited a few hours ago, however it was no longer the case...! What if he attacked me? What if he followed me to the restroom and tried to drug me!? I was getting chills even  while thinking of them...!

"Hmm... You just realised how scary that drug dealer could be huh...? I told you I am going to have my eyes on you, all the time. Believe me. I will not let anything happen to you."

"Yeah, I know. I will not venture around in your absence either."

"Now, that's a good girl! Now that we are here, let's get the backyard ready quickly!"


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