Surprise! (500k special)

1.2K 46 16

I can't tell you how weird it is to see 500k reads on my story. I never expected to reach 1,000. Whoah. Why you guys decided to read my lame stories is beyond me but I'm grateful for all of you.

Oh and btw this story is LOOSELY based off of my extra wifey charlieheatons

Shawn's POV

I didn't even  know she was back in town until I saw a post on Instagram.

You wouldn't even have noticed it at first. It looked like a photo from Australia with her new friends there. But the location said "Pickering, Canada". She was back in Toronto.

I didn't know what to think about it. 

I shouldn't even be thinking about it, but as I sat in a crimson leather booth at a restaurant by my home, all I could think about was her. I don't even remember when the last time I had an actual conversation with her was. We drifted apart after she moved. She sort of drifted apart from everyone. It was like no one here existed to her. The only way I knew she existed herself was through social media. Matthew texted me before I could jumble any thoughts about her sudden appearance.

From The Only Espinosa
Did you see who is back in your hometown ;) your little crushhhhh

From Shawn
I haven't had a crush on her in years. Since Magcon!

From The Only Espinosa
Yeah okay. You are one of the first to like her posts.

From Shawn
How do you know that?

From The Only Espinosa
I didn't. Wild guess.

From Shawn
I wait until she gets at least 100 likes.

From The Only Espinosa
So you still have a crush on her.

From Shawn
I haven't talked to her in years. And   I have a completely different life now. So no. I don't. And what if this was just some joke to begin with?

From The Only Espinosa
It could. But if it isn't....

From Shawn
Then why would I care?

From The Only Espinosa
I'm just saying. You'll are back in Hockeyland. She is in Hockeyland. You guys could go be super nice to strangers, listen to Justin Beiber and eat "bacon" together.

From Shawn
That's the most stereotypical, offensive thing you have said in a while Matt.

From The Only Espinosa
What? You not liking JB is your problam not mine!!

From Shawn

From The Only Espinosa
Oh you are correcting me now too? It's like that bossy, know it all girl never left your life.

From Shawn
Again, rude. Are you on your period?

From The Only Espinosa
Assuming my mood automatically means I'm at that time of the month... Now who is being rude?

From Shawn
Whatever. I'm not going to do anything so.

From The Only Espinosa
You are such a Grinch to love.

From Shawn
Not love. Not anything.

From The Only Espinosa

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