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You know the movies that start with a teen calling their mom from jail?

I wish that could be me.

But the only person who could bail me out was in the cell with me.

And his parents were in Mexico having a '20 year anniversary getaway'.

My jailmate claims they were just sick of work and needed a vacation.

"Jim I swear I can slam you so far into the forbidden ground the miners won't be able to find your begging a-"

"Hermione watch your mouth. There are kids in the cell."

Shawn being the always correct idiot he was, intervened.

"We are both 18."

Hermione the stripper and Jim the drug dealer both looked at us with assumed grins.

They laughed.

I glanced at Shawn with a slightly worried look, and he just patted my back with his hand reassuringly.

"You are still kids until you can drink and not land in the county jail for it."

"That is not why we are in here," Shawn argued. I rolled my eyes. He was smart, but didn't have common sense.

"Shawn you realize that this is illegal," I said.

"Y/N you realize that breaking into a beach at night really is not that big of a deal?" He shot back playfully.

"This is still beyond stupid," I mumbled. He set down the bag he had on his back and took both of my hands in his.

"Y/N. I promised you the best summer night ever. Would you ever not trust me?" He asked.

"Yes. I have known you for like five years. Why would I ever trust you?" I said sarcastically.

"Touche touche." He slung the bag back onto his shoulder and climbed over the fence. I bit my lip then climbed up too. When I got to the top I glanced around. The beach was only some yard away. We had to walk down a grassy hill and through some bushes to the sandy beach area by the lake. The moon hit the lake at just the right angle to make it shine like a bright white glistening light. I glanced down at Shawn then went to get off.

But I slipped and went falling backwards.

Luckily I fell into Shawn's arms.

He looked down at me.

"Are you okay?" He asked, setting me down. I cringed as my foot hit the ground.

"Yeah just my foot. I threw it wrong. But thanks," I muttered.

"Want me to carry you?" He asked with a slight smile.

"I am not paralyzed," I sneered. Then I started to walk down the grass, though it was more of a limp. When we got to the sand, Shawn led me to the water and set down his bag.

"Take off your shoes," He demanded. I rolled my eyes and slipped my flip flops off. Then he dragged me into the water.

"Wait Shawn I can't get wet!" I screamed. He just laughed.

"It is just your legs. You are wearing shorts calm down."

"I swear if you-"

He splashed me. And I gasped.

"Shawn!" I yelled. I scooped some water in my hands and threw it at him.

We did this until it got too cold and I was shivering.

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