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Shawn's POV

"They are beautiful aren't they?" She asked. Her voice cracking. I glanced at her.

"Like you," I said. She glanced at me. She laughed. The thing that made my heart break just a little bit more though was, it wasn't happy. It was dreaded. Had a evilness I didn't wish to hear. She ran a hand through her hair.

"You have always been funny Shawn," She whispered.

"Why did you leave class today Y/N," I said.

"You know. The idea of flowers is just so inspirational. They freeze during winter. They have to stay in the ground for months. But when spring comes back, they bloom with beautiful colors. Kinda hard to do that isn't it? When you are stuck in a hellhole for so long, to just spring up and act like it never happened?" She asked. I waited a few seconds. Thinking. Staring at the mixes of purple, white and yellow of Y/N's garden. "That's why I planted them. Maybe a sign I would be okay. A motivation that soon I would bloom and be pretty as ever," She bit her lip. She turned to me. "They laughed at me, Shawn," She said. "Why does everyone hate me?" She asked. I didn't know what to say. Or how.

"I don't hate you," I said.

"You only are friends with me because of pity," She scoffed. "And because my mom makes you those damned snickerdoodles," I laughed.

"They are really good," I defended. She didn't crack a smile though. She just stared at her shoes.

"What did I do wrong?" She asked. "I am not that much of a bitch. I don't even talk to anyone for the most part. Why does everyone scoff at me and roll their eyes. Why do people laugh at me when I say I have had a bad day?" She asked.

"Y/N stop sulking in my class!" Ms. Nickerson scowled. Y/N looked up.

"I am just having a bad day," She said. Everyone laughed.

"Well that is your personal life not mine. Pay attention," The Bitch teacher said. That's when Y/N stood. "Sit down," Ms. Nickerson said. Y/N didn't listen. She grabbed her bag and left. Ten minutes layer she didn't return. So what did I do. I got up and left the class. And came to where I knew she would be.

She wiped tears from her cheeks. I grabbed her and pulled her into my arms

"What did I do Shawn?" She cried.

"I don't know Y/N. I don't know,"

"But what I do know," She looked up at me. "Is that you Y/N, are so much more than what they know of you. You are smart. Kind. Caring. You don't show that to everyone. They don't deserve to know that side of you," She blinked tears away.

"Thank you," She said.

"Anytime," I replied.

"I don't know," She sighed. "When I was little I was the most popular girl. Everyone begged to sit next to me. Everyone wanted me to go swing with them at recess. Why did everything change?"

"People are stupid," I said.

"I'm stupid. Why did I ever think I would be something more than a depressed girl with a stupid garden," She said shaking her head.

"You will do more in life. I promise. You are in winter. Spring will come soon,"

"I don't know if I could last until spring,"

"Then be early and fucking bloom in the snow. Who cares. Y/N you will get through this. Its highschool. Its only four years of your life," She looked at me.

"When a flower dies. The petals slowly fall off and crinkle. One by one they crumble and fall," She said.


"I have only have one left. And its crumbled. And its going to fall. I am just waiting for it to," She said.

"Then i will replant you Y/N. I don't care. You can't give up on me," I said.

"I'm suffering Shawn,"

"I will suffer without you Y/N. You are my stem. I can't live without you," I said loudly. She gulped. Staring at me with big eyes. I bit my lip. She hugged me.

"Thank you. Really," She said in w whisper.

"I love you,"




"I-I love you too,"

Uh. Sad.

Sorry if I ruined flowers for you.

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now