Unexpected Thrills

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"Go Matthew!" I yelled, clapping.

"Go Matty!" Audra, the younger of the two kids (6) copied me. I smiled down at her. She looked exactly like me. And Matthew looked exactly like his father. Too bad he wasn't here to watch his son in the championship. He was in Iraq. Shouldn't be coming home for a few more agonizing months. It was before the game and after warmups they ran into the locker rooms. This was the closet basketball game they could ever have. The team was the ultimate rivals our team had. Talk about pressure on 13 year old boys. "Mommy he is going to do amazing!"

"He is sweetie," I laughed.

"Can we go get popcorn?" She asked with puppy eyes. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes let's hurry I want to see him run out of the locker room. The students are going to form a tunnel and everything," I said. We hurried to concessions. Where Audra had to stand on the counter to see the board because she was a big girl and I vouldnt order for her anymore. (Im a teen and I still make my mom order for me XD) When we walked back into the gym. The music was still pounding. The other team already did there entrance when we were getting popcorn. Now was our boys. The announcer for some reason decided to call each boy individually. They one by one ran out when there name was called. They ran through the tunnel as the student screamed. It was so cute. Like a varsity football game. Only smaller kids and higher screams. Then they called Matthews name, the last kid. He ran through slapping hands. We cheered for him. The tunnel didn't leave though.

"We have one more guy to announce. To be the new assistant coach for the game, Mr Mendes straight out of Iraq!"

I froze.

"Dad?!" Matt yelled. Audra squeaked. Then Shawn was running in his uniform through the tunnel. Everyone even the rivals cheered for him. I gasped for a second.

"Daddy!" Audra ran to him along with Matt. I stood in shock. Tears started rolling down my cheeks. He kneeled down and hugged them tight. I placed a hand over my mouth. I stared at him for a second. Was this a dream? Was I going crazy?! This could not be happening. Right? Then he looked up at me. His face slightly battered. But great and handsome as he was when he left six months ago. He stood. And I ran for dear life. Tears making my vision slightly blurry. I ran and jumped into his arms. I locked my legs around his waist. I cried into his shoulder. The crowd gushed.

"Shawn," I sobbed. "I can't believe it I love you so so much," He kissed me.

"I missed you so much Y/N. I love you," Shawn said with his eyes watery and he kissed me again.

"Mommy why are you crying," Audra asked. I glanced down and laughed.

"Just really happy sweety," "Really happy,"

Matt ended up winning with his dad by his side. And it was one of the best days of my life.


Cute one I wrote in class haha rebelll

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