Pinky Promises

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A/N. I'm sorry that I am no longer the best writer and have the time to whip out imagines for you. That this has become something that you can't count on.

It's kind of like pinky promises.

Sorry that I have been kind of breaking ours.

"Shawn. How do I know if we will be married forever if I am supposed to eat this ring?" I asked. We were sitting criss cross on top of the monkey bars. Most of the kids were gone, either riding the bus home or their parents picked them up already.

Shawn's parents worked until 4. And Shawn was my ride home. So we had an after school club. It was very exclusive. Only we were allowed in. Josh tried getting in last Thursday. He even tried to threaten us. Luckily Shawn became the usher for us and threw wood chips at him.

He just proposed to me. On this sunny Tuesday. With a cherry ring pop.

He is a classy gentlemen. Most do theirs with those pretzel circles things. But Shawn got me a ring pop. On top of that, it was my favorite color.

But how would I live without eating it?

"Easy. Pinky promise," Shawn said. I looked at him.

"Okay!" We then intertwined our fingers.

"Together. Forever. I promise. I won't leave your side. I'll always be here to protect you." He smiled. I blushed.

He was my guardian angel.

Then the promise was broke.

It was a rainy Tuesday when Shawn showed up at my door.

I slammed it in his face. Then turned to walk back to my room, when I realized he knew where the key was. And broke in.

"I don't want to ever speak to you again Shawn,"  I said, not facing him as he closed my front door.

"Y/N. Look I know we have parted ways-"

I exploded.

"Excuse me!" I turned to face him. "We? You mean you completely ghosted me!"

"Okay. I get that it seems that way."

"It is that way Shawn. You left me."

"Are you okay? After what happened?"

All I can imagine is his younger faces.

All the times he asked if I was okay.

He would pull me into a hug. And he stroke my back lightly. I don't know why but that comforted me.

"Why do you care we haven't talked in like a year?" I sneered. Since March 24 last year to be exact.

"I just. I just heard and wanted to make sure everyone was okay," Shawn said quietly.

"I don't have time for this Shawn. You can leave now."

"Well I have no way to get home anyways. My car is in the shop and i can't walk anymore since it's thundering like hell out there."

I looked at him.

"You really want me to walk like 5 miles in a huge thunderstorm," Shawn exclaimed.

"Kinda yeah."

"We'll I am not getting struck by lightning so no. I'm staying here."

"You aren't welcome here Shawn."

"Sure I am."

"No you are not."

"Your parents love me."

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