Maryse comes in and sits at her desk and starts doing something. "Clary does your mom know what you told me last night" Jace asks. "About my you know what" I ask meaning my paycheck. He nods. "No. No one knows except me, my old boss, and you" I say. "Know what" Magnus asks. "How much my paycheck was when I was working" I say. "I bet it was a lot" Alec says. "Yeah clary I bet it was a bunch of money considering you were like super famous" Izzy says. "How much was it" Alice asks. "How much did I get paid a month or a year" I ask. "A month, since I know its still going to be a lot" alec says. "Well I got paid every month and I got paid 66,000 dollars" I say. "That's what almost 800 grand a year" Alice says shocked. "Yeah" I say. "Holy cow clary, no wonder you had that nice house" Isabelle says. "And could buy those cars" Alec says. "How many cars do you have" Alice asks. "Technically three. But ones Izzy's and ones Jaces" I say.

                Tessa, jem and Logan get here soon. When Logan sees me he runs up to me as fast as his little legs can take him. "Hi clary" he says. "Hi Logan" I say to him. He climbs up onto the couch and sits beside me. "Clary why you have to leave" he asks. "I just do. I will have you over at the castle soon" I tell him. "Clary don't go. I don't want you to. I will miss you" he whines. "I know buddy, but I have to" I say. He pouts.

                      Grace starts to stink and I leave everyone in the library to go change Graces diaper. I take her upstairs to our room and I change her diaper. "Is that better baby" I ask. I tickle her tummy and she giggles. I pick her back up and we go back downstairs and join the others.

                          I get back in the library and go back to my spot between Jace and Logan. "Logan when is your birthday" I ask. "March 25th" he says. "What if for your birthday I let you come to the castle and spend the night" I ask. "Yay" he says excited. "I know its not for another two months but at least you can have something to look forward too" I say. "Yay" he says again excited. "Ask long as it's okay with your momma and daddy" I say. "Can I daddy pwease" he asks. "Yes baby. You can go to see Clary. As long as it's okay with you Tess" Jem says. "Yeah I guess so" Tessa says. "Why did you ask your daddy and not momma" I ask quietly in his ear. He leans up and whispers "because I know daddy will let me come" in my ear. He's a smart little 2 year old I will give him that. He knows who to ask to get what he wants.

                     I look around me and I see a cabinet under the stairs that would be behind where the portal used to be. "Maryse, whats that" I ask. "Just some of Hodges stuff that he had here, so nothing important" she says without looking up. "What all is in it" I ask. "Don't know, never looked" she says still not looking up from what she's doing. I go over to the cabinets and try and open them. They are locked. I am even more curious now as to what Hodge could have in that cabinet now. "Clary just leave the cabinet alone, i'm sure its nothing" mom says. "I want to know what is in here now that I know its locked" I say. "Maryse, is there a key" I ask. "There is a drawer in this desk but I've never been able to get the drawer open" she says. I can't help the curiosity that has built inside of me.

                        Grace reaches for Alec and I hand her to him and I leave the library. I go upstairs and grab my stele off the dresser and return back downstairs. I go up to the cabinet and use an unlocking rune. The cabinet opens. It's filled with tons of books and old stuff. One thing catches my eye. A big brown leather journal. I take it from the shelf it's on and see a symbol. I can't tell what it is since it's covered in dust. I take it along with other books. I take them back to where everyone is and I set it on the coffee table in the center of us. "It's just a bunch of old books covered in dust" Tessa says. I flip through some of them. There's nothing interesting about them.

                                I pick up the leather one. I blow the dust off of it. I realize what the symbol is now that the dust is off. Its the Herondale family symbol. I set it on the table so everyone can see it. "It must be yours Jace" Alec says. "I've never seen that in my life" Jace says. "Well it must be yours it's got your family symbol on it" Isabelle says. It's got a lock on it so no one gets into it when they are not supposed to. I pick it up and try an unlocking rune. It doesn't work. "That's weird that an unlocking rune didn't work especially for you Clary" Magnus says. "I know" I say. I'm surprised too. (A/N picture the journal above but with the Herondale symbol on the lock)

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