112: HEAL.

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Harry arrives in London the morning of Christmas Eve. 'Comes home' will take some time for me to get used to.

In the previous days while he was gone I was too busy to miss him. I'm pretty sure he asked his family to keep me company so I wouldn't be all alone, just as I'm sure that he did it because he's afraid loneliness will make me not want to stay here.

Unpacking only takes me half of one day, I didn't bring much... yet. The other half is spent showing Anne and Robin the renovations since they hadn't been back to the house after the projects were finished. And then Anne helps me put together an improvised Christmas tree using an old one of hers and her ornament leftovers.

My first day in London without Harry ends talking with him on the phone until I fall asleep.

The next few days I spend most of the time with Gemma, who shows me around town, and then takes me to the heart of the city where she lives. She shares a cozy apartment with her boyfriend and her cat and I'm gladly surprised to see how modestly the sister of a millionaire lives.

Both she and Anne are living proof that a life of luxury is a choice. Even though the money is Harry's and not theirs directly, what's his is theirs. Harry would happily provide for them all the fine things in life they'd want to indulge in. But they want none.

That's the reason why going out Christmas shopping with them results in a stress-free experience for me. I was worrying so much about what gifts I'd get for each of them but seeing how they buy the same type of gifts people like me, my family and my friends would, took a big load off my shoulders. They're my kind of people.

"The only one who goes overboard with the gifts here is Harry." Gemma said after I commended them for their humility.

Of course he does. He's a people pleaser and a giver. Simple and unassuming as Harry is for a lot of things, he does have a love for designer clothes and accessories, expensive wine and champagne and all those quality things us mere mortals can't afford, so he makes sure everyone he cares about get them.

I've been warned by his two main ladies that he buys gifts for dozens of people and he likes to shop for them personally. To his fortune and mine, I haven't been around him for his Christmas shopping. My constant eye-rolling would probably not be appreciated.

It's early afternoon on Christmas Eve when the bell rings.

Harry and I are getting ready to leave for Holmes Chapel where his family will be spending Christmas, and I'm too distracted packing for those two days to pay attention to Harry when he speaks through the intercom to the person waiting at the gate and he buzzes them in.

"Babe, there's someone here to see you." He yells as he makes his way down the main floor to open the front door.

I drop what I'm doing immediately to go check who could possibly be here to see me and not him. Maybe he's saying that to mess with me and it's just William stopping by or Gemma who didn't leave in the morning like she said she would.

As I'm walking down the stairs I see through the tall living room windows a taxi driving away. At the same time, Harry reaches the door and opens it to reveal the person waiting on the other side.

Someone I had never in a million years expected to see here.

My father.

"Hello, Dr. Brant." Harry shakes his hand. "Glad to see you here, welcome to England."

Despite the astonishment on his face, he doesn't sound as surprised to have found my dad standing in our doorstep.

"Hello, and thank you. I haven't been to London in fifteen years!" He's smiling a shaky, nervous smile, while his eyes follow me every step I take.

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