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After setting up the alarm for the morning I re-read all of Harry's texts and drift off into a haze of memories from this night, and possible scenarios for what may come tomorrow threaten to keep me up. But I'm too exhausted.

My dreams are taken over by a man with long hair in black jeans and a blue t-shirt. He's got me laid on my back on a flower bed in some type of garden. Romantic, right?

He's hovering over me and the ends of his curls tickle my face. I'm wearing a short grey silk nightgown and my hair is covered in flower petals.

The sun hits the man's head in such a way that his hair casts a shadow over his face making it impossible for me to see him.

He's supporting his weight on one hand while the other runs slowly up my thigh and under my gown.

His touch feels like Harry's.

I take a deep breath and a citrusy smell mixed with jasmine and other scents I can't decipher fill up my lungs.

His perfume smells like Harry's.

I try to block the sun with my hands so that I can see him but he gets a hold of them and he pins them at the top of my head as he leans down to kiss me. His lips are very soft and somewhat familiar, his mouth tastes like chocolate and mint, and sun and rain.

His kisses taste like Harry's.

The need to see his face overwhelms me so I free my arms of his hold and raise my hands up to his cheeks. But when I push his hair behind his ears and finally look at him, I become agitated and short of breath.

The man is not Harry.

It's Caleb.

I wake up in a puddle of my sweat, shocked but immensely grateful that it was just a dream. Caleb, my ex-boyfriend, hasn't been part of my dreams for ages, I won't allow him to ruin this one day for me. Still, the image of him on top of me, kissing me, leaves an uneasy sensation lingering at the pit of my stomach.

I shake it off the best I can and get out of bed to face this unordinary day I'm enthusiastically looking forward to. Unfortunately, I wake up a couple of hours before my alarm so I miss out on some much-needed sleep, but I'm so optimistic today that nothing will deter me from having a good time. Especially not Caleb.

At first I worried about how it would make me look like if I agreed to this 'thing' with Harry, or how easy he would think I was, but I've come to accept that there's nothing wrong with me wanting him in the same unattached way he wants me. And I'm sure he sees it that way, too.

No more worrying about my decision, no more second-guessing my actions, no more doubts.

The drive down to Bristow, Virginia is normally an hour and a half. Today with the concert traffic, it takes me over two hours to get there.

At the box office I'm surprised to find I made the 'guest list' and once inside I'm pleased to discover he managed to get me a very decent seat in the floor section, a couple of rows away from the stage.

The opening act hasn't even started and the place is already packed. Tonight, unlike yesterday's festival, is One Direction's own concert and my first chance to see their full set. Of course, they do not disappoint.

Their energy on stage is so contagious and they interact with the audience so much that everyone feels part of something special. Like it's more of a family reunion than a show.

And don't get me started on Harry.

My objectivity might be compromised, but he really is something else! He's a performer like no one I've ever seen. The amount of floor he covers at any point of the show is insane, I don't know how he can endure two hours of that pace!

During each little break or in-between songs he engages in some sort of communication with the fans, he's always waving, always smiling, always blowing kisses and always making sure everyone is having the best time. To top it all off, his voice is so powerful, so rich. So sweet when it's soft and so cool when it's raspy and loud, it just transports you to a dreamland of his own creation where everything you wish is possible.

He is just pure magic.

At one point of the performance he approaches the area where I'm sitting and shades his eyes with his hand to prevent the lights from blinding him, and searches. One row at a time.

He's looking for me.

I know it because he stops doing it when he finally spots me. All I get is a smile and a wave of his hand like he gives all the other people in the audience, but is enough to show me he's thinking about me. I love the gesture.

Later, during one of the songs he hangs around the section where I am again. While his band-mate Niall sings the bridge, Harry turns his microphone stand and points it to the fans for them to sing the part. Meanwhile his eyes are fixated on mine, but no one notices because it just seems like he's letting them rest on a random point in the ocean of people.

But the two of us know differently.

I know the lyrics so I sing along, not without a crooked smile on my face thrown in the mix for such a perfect description of the situation we're in...

"I know you want it
I know you feel it too
Let's stop pretending
That you don't know what I don't know
Just what we came to do."


LITTLE WHITE LIES - One Direction (live).

...Watch these little shits at the beginning! :) ♥

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