56: YOURS.

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I have the capacity to remember the moments that matter the most to me in detail.

This night I will remember for as long as my heart beats.

Every second, every word, every touch, every feeling.

Harry has made sure of it.

In the voice of Ella Henderson, this new memory makes its way to the top of the list of happiest moments of my life.

"The moments waking up
You catch me in your eyes
That beauty on my pillow
That holds me in the night


And if I be feeling heavy
You take me from the dark
Your arms they keep me steady
So nothing could fall apart

And I would fight my strength
To untape my mouth
When I used to be afraid of the words

But with you I've learnt just to let it out
Now my heart is ready to burst
'Cause I, I feel like I'm ready for love

And I wanna be your everything and more
And I know every day I say it
But I just want you to be sure
That I am yours"

In the middle of him kissing me, I tried to recall what my body felt like before it knew of his hands, what my mouth tasted like before it had tasted him.

But I came up blank.

Feels like he's the only man that's ever touched me.

Now as his fidgety fingers trail up my leg and try to slip under my dress my insides begin to twist and turn in a frenzy of emotions led mostly by a powerful mix of love and lust.

No one can set my body on fire instantly like he can.

Never before have I thought possible to physically ache for someone, yet tonight I'm clinging to every sensation in hopes to dull the impending pain of not seeing him for two weeks.

And it's in this moment that I begin to accept that not only is he the only one to ever make me feel this way, but he is also the only one that ever will.

Even if we can't make this last, I can't see how anyone could ever top him.

He is all my body will ever crave.

"You're on a dangerous path there, mister." I whisper in his ear after fighting with my will power to separate my lips from his, not wanting to interrupt a kiss that was burning my body from the inside out.

My hand closes around his wrist to stop him from going any higher up my thigh, pulling my dress back down as I let his hand rest on my hip.

"What can I say? I like to live life on the edge."

A crooked devilish smile forms in his lips and I'm tempted to return his hand to my thigh where it was just a second ago and let him resume what he had started, but I'm determined to make it a little hard for him for once. Easier said than done, though.

"Go live life on the edge of the chair then. It's our first date, you're not getting past first base." I say while moving away from him until my back hits the armrest preventing me from getting any further.

"Oh, I plan to cover all the bases tonight, baby."


How do I recover from this?

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