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"We talk street art and sarcasm
Crass humor and high fashion
Peach color, moon glistens, the plot thickens
As we laugh over shot guns and tongue kisses
Bubble bath, Truth or Dare, and Would You Rather
A cold flame, the thrill of no shame

Drugs, sex, and polaroids
Pick a star in the sky
We could both say goodbye all night

I wish I could paint our love
These moments in vibrant hues

Word play, turns into gun play
And gun play turns into pillow talk
Pillow talk turns into sweet dreams
Sweet dreams turn
Into coffee in the morning

I don't wanna wake you
I just wanna watch you sleep

It's the smell of your hair
And it's the way that we fit
I've never felt comfortable like this

Old souls we found a new religion
Now I'm swimming in that sin, baptism
Peach colored skies we feel the sunrise
Two lost angels discover salvation
Don't you wish we could runaway now?
Yes, let's!

Drugs, sex, and polaroids
Pick a star in the sky
We could both say goodbye all night"

I could spend an eternity watching Harry sleep.

When he's awake everything moves at a million miles an hour. He's always doing something, planning something, thinking of doing something.

I might be one of very few people who ever get to see him wind down and kick back.

By the New Year he'll be free from touring and promoting and staying here permanently for a few months. If I refuse his proposal of living together, we'll be subjected to hours and hours of flying back and forth when we could use that time actually being together.

I'm an idiot if I don't move. Even if I only stay for six months. Waking up next to him every day will be my reward. It'll be worth any sacrifice I have to make.

But, knowing that out of all of this man's qualities patience is definitely not one of them, I won't tell him my decision has been made probably a long time before I even admitted it to myself. Or he'll want me moved in by tomorrow and he still has commitments until before the holidays and it's only the end of September.

We've only been together almost two months, this is the craziest thing I've ever done! But somehow it feels like it's been much longer, like I've known him for years.

My eyes dance around the room memorizing all the details and trying to get used to the idea of it soon being my room, too.

We have a breakfast of kings and each other for lunch. And sooner than either of us wants, my time in England is over.

Saying goodbye keeps getting harder and harder.

It's ironic how in my past relationship I dreaded the idea of us being under the same roof on a permanent basis, and almost two months into my relationship with Harry I've already decided there's nothing I want more.

I guess I know now the difference between loving somebody and being in love with somebody.

I get home and Sasha waits for me with freshly made coffee and an inquisitive mood. She has Harry up in a pedestal after the gifts he sent her and wants to hear all about him. I can't wait for my friends to finally meet Harry so I don't have to be so careful of the things I tell them anymore.

The following day, Jasmine comes over for lunch, as always. And talking to her is yet another round of Harry, Harry and more Harry. Except she knows about him the most and I can speak with more freedom.

"You look radiant, you exude happiness, Sissy. I don't think I've ever seen you so in love before."

I'm glad is that obvious to the people that know me, that means what I feel really shows.

"It's scary, honestly. This is a different kind of monster I'm dealing with here."

"Don't be scared. This monster is one of the good ones."

I proceed to tell her about the possibility, or maybe the inevitability, of me moving to London in a couple of months. It doesn't surprise her a bit.

She'd already figured out that if things were to get serious, all the traveling had to stop eventually. And she knew very well that Harry wouldn't be the one moving to Baltimore to be close to me.

She's always looking way ahead of everyone else. She doesn't speak her thoughts out loud, but when I get from point A to point B, she's been waiting there for me for a little while.

The idea of being so far away from each other is inconceivable for the both of us, considering the longest we've been apart since we were born was four months during that time I went to Haiti.

I'll miss her the most, no doubt. But we'll try to spend as much time together as possible whenever I'm here until that happens, I'm sure.

I'm supposed to meet Harry in Los Angeles in three days, but on my second day back home everything gets revolutionized by the arrival of baby Alexander, who decided to join us a week and a half earlier than expected.

Sasha changed my life by giving me the opportunity to be there with her and her sister Layla witnessing the birth of her son.

It's an experience beyond anything else, seeing someone take their first breath ever.

Life is the greatest miracle. We can all agree on that, no matter where you believe life comes from, no matter when you think it starts and when it ends.

But to me, miracles should remain unexplained. That's what makes them miracles, after all, right?

And just as miraculous as Alexander's life, is Sasha's mother showing up at the hospital that night. The moment she holds her grandson in her arms for the first time, all of her prejudice and judgment dissipates, allowing affection and devotion to take their place.

That's the power of love. Love in all its forms.

My new love for this little baby boy ends up delaying my reunion with another not-so-little boy I love with all my heart. Harry understands I want to wait until Sasha and the baby are sent home.

I want to stay here with them and meet Harry in London in a week, instead. He'd be super busy then, but I don't want to leave Sasha alone on her first days as a mother.

But Sasha point blank forbids me to cancel my plans for her, demand I would've ignored if it wasn't for her mother assuring me she is back in her daughter's life and will be checking in on them constantly. She's trying hard to amend her mistakes of the past nine months and hopes that her change of heart will inspire her husband do the same.

Sasha didn't commit a capital crime, she just fell in love with the wrong person and made one irresponsible move. It changed her path forever, but it gave it and her life a new purpose. I don't understand how a baby can be a reason for anything but happiness, I really hope Sasha's dad can realize that soon.


COFFEE - Miguel.

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