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"Weren't you supposed to be recording in the studio or something tonight?"

I lock my hands at the back of his neck and rest my head on his shoulder while he holds me close and mindlessly plays with the hem of my tank top.

"I was, but I convinced the producer to let me do all of my work before the rest of the band got in so I could be done early. I told you I would come if I could..."

I'm reminded of how his voice changed earlier on the phone when I told him he couldn't be here even if he wanted to. I guess him being here is his way of proving me wrong.

"And I believed you. You didn't have to do this."

"I didn't have to, but I wanted to."

Our faces are so close I can hear every time he breathes in and out and I'm struck by the minty scent of his breath. If I had any energy and I wouldn't get him sick, I'd be taking his clothes off right about now.

"Very stalker-y of you, by the way. I suppose you found me through the shop? But what if I didn't want you to come here? What if I didn't give you my address because I was hiding a husband and four kids from you?"

"Then this was going to be one very long and extremely awkward dinner."

I tilt my head to look him in the eyes. He's wearing his hair down, his regular black skinny jeans, a red and black striped t-shirt and a smile that can cure any illness.

"I'm so glad you're here!" Our noses are almost touching and I feel every inch of my body ache for him.

"Are you going to kiss me or...?"

"Harry, I'm sick! If it's a virus you can get it too."

"Do I look like I care?"

"That's very unprofessional of you."

"I am feeling exceptionally irresponsible tonight."

"You have to work the rest of the week, you can't risk getting sick!"

"I'll take my chances."

"But what abou-"

"Em, if you don't kiss me right now I'm going to scream!"

How can I keep resisting when this is all I wanted since the moment he stepped inside my foyer?

His lips are beginning to feel somewhat familiar but still, they catch me off guard every time they meet mine. It's like I'm never fully prepared for their sweet intensity, even though I've tasted it before.

We've known each other for so little time yet that day of the first concert seems so far away! I can't imagine where we would be by now if we could see each other every day.

But then again, we probably wouldn't be at this point this fast. On my part, I wouldn't have let him into my pants so soon. He's gotten that too easily.

However, I always have to remind myself that that's what brought us together in the first place. Most people get to know each other until they're comfortable enough to be intimate. Then there's us. We had sex together until we were comfortable enough to decide we wanted to get to know each other.

We are a mess, but I wouldn't change a thing.

Unconsciously, I let my mind wander to a dark place I don't want to visit. Not yet. More like not ever, honestly.

We haven't talked about our past relationships but I remember hearing lots of gossip about his. Rumors of him being a ladies' man.

Yet it doesn't sound at all like the Harry I know.

MedleyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora