75: HURT ME.

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"Speak of the devil and (s)he shall appear."

Showered and ready to start cooking dinner, we head to the kitchen hand in hand in a much cheerful mood than we were when we went upstairs.

After studying the available ingredients and coming to an agreement on what we want to eat, we get everything set up on the countertop but the sound of the doorbell prevents us from getting started.

"Should we go see who dares interrupt our peace? Or should we ignore them till they go away? Your call!"

"Harry! It could be important!"

"Okay. But you're coming with me."

He leans down, wraps his arm around the back of my knees, picks me up and carries me over his shoulder out of the kitchen and into the living room.

"Har... put me down! No one should see me here!"

It's difficult to yell through the laughter, especially when I'm kicking with all my strength at the same time.

"It's just your friend 'Will' with some groceries I asked him to bring, don't worry."

Harry opens the door without letting me down and without checking who it is first.

All laughter and fun come to a halt at the sight of who's standing on the other side: six-inch-high platform boots, ten-feet-long legs in a minuscule pair of denim shorts, radiant smile but expressionless eyes.

It's her.

It's Jenna Goldberg.

Harry freezes in place and I have to help myself get back on my feet.

His eyes dart from her to me about a million times before anyone attempts to speak.

"Are you gonna let me in? Or...?"

Jenna pushes the door open and invites herself in. Harry remains speechless as she makes herself comfortable taking her jacket off and sitting on the couch like this is her house.

"What are you doing here, Jenna?" Harry finally snaps out of that trance he was in.

I watch him closely.

"You said I could come and get my stuff, so I'm here."

She acts as if I'm not standing three feet away from her.

I'm invisible.

"I asked you to call so I could tell you when was a good time."

"I called you earlier but you didn't pick up, and I was in the neighborhood, so..."

Harry's phone rang about an hour ago, now I wish he would've answered. This shock could've been avoided.

...And of course she 'was in the neighborhood'!

This is fucking Los Angeles, all of his exes are his neighbors. Fantastic!

"Fine, whatever. Let me go get your things." Harry tells her coldly.

Then, he turns to me and softens his tone.

"Babe, come with me?"

He opens his eyes wide as if telling me to please play along and stretches his hand out to me. I take it but, before I can follow after him, we are both stopped in our tracks.

"Did I hear that right? Did you just call her 'babe'?"

In the rudest way possible, she finally acknowledges my presence in the room.

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