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I open my eyes to record an image of this moment in my brain because it will never repeat again. I find him with his eyes completely shut. He was into this kiss just as I was.

As soon as he notices my sudden disconnect, he stops. Neither of us has the courage to be the first one to break the silence, so we stare into each other's eyes intensely searching for a sign of what the other is thinking.

I can't tell if we kissed for two minutes or half an hour, time just stood still for me.

Harry raises his free hand up to my face now taking complete control of my head. Meanwhile he lifts himself off the seat then with one foot on the floor and supporting his other leg on his knee onto the couch, he tilts my head up then pushes me back a bit and leans his body on me.

My senses are clouded by the smell of his breath and his cologne that fuse into one strong, luscious aroma that finds its way into my pores taking over every cell in my body.

With his thumbs tracing the ends of my jawline and the remaining fingers resting behind my ears, he stares at me looking for approval but all I can give him is a quick nod with my eyes.

This time is different.

There's a sense of urgency in this kiss he didn't show before, he starts off slow but picks up pace fast, slides his tongue across my bottom lip causing me to gasp for air and gains full access to my mouth.

I don't know what's taken over me, but I don't hold back either. I guess it's the impact of Jasmine's words still ringing in the back of my head 'Don't. Overthink. It.'

And that's exactly what I'm doing. I'm going with the flow for once in my life, this wasn't planned out, it wasn't carefully analyzed, I didn't let logic dominate me.

This is just me being free like I've never been before.

Here I was talking about how casual sex does nothing for me, yet this stranger is barely even touching me and I'm close to spontaneously combust.

He's making me feel so much with so little, it's ridiculous!

"It's now or never, come hold me tight
Kiss me my darling, be mine tonight
Tomorrow will be too late, it's now or never
My love won't wait

When I first saw you with your smile so tender
My heart was captured, my soul surrendered
I'd spend a lifetime waiting for the right time
Now that you're near the time is here at last"

Elvis recorded this song for us, for this day.

I'll fight anyone who dares tell me otherwise.

The kiss grows deeper and more passionate every second.

My hands are resting on Harry's arms that are holding my face and his fingers dance behind my ears massaging my scalp. It feels so freaking gooooood!

His tongue, a little shy at the beginning, is now on a mission and going for the kill. Every now and then I have to remind myself to breathe. How is he doing this to me with nothing but a kiss?

Suddenly, he removes one of his hands from my face to push his body upward, then with such swift moves that I can't predict what he'll do, he places his right arm under the back of my legs and his left hand in the middle of my back.

Before I know it, I'm being lifted off the couch while he sits down placing me onto his lap, perpendicular to him. All of that without his lips ever leaving mine.

Instinctively, I reach for the hem of my dress to make sure it's down where it's supposed to be and he smiles into the kiss.


IT'S NOW OR NEVERV - Elvis Presley.

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