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"Love Actually."

A vision in blue showed up at the top of the stairs stopping my heart for a moment.

A "holy shit" involuntarily leaving my lips brought me back to life. I didn't think Emi could look any more beautiful than she already does every day, but I was wrong.

The blue dress hugged every one of her curves, it showed just a little leg and a tiny bit of cleavage. Each in perfect measures.

The makeup she doesn't need made her delicate features stand out even more. Stunning!

But it's the way that she carries herself what makes her the most attractive. She walks unaware of the way her hips swing and break hearts.

She smiles at people without realizing she's casting a spell on them.

She considers herself lazy for not being as vain as a woman is expected to be but, in reality, she's honoring her natural beauty.

And she always, always speaks her mind.

All of that makes her sexier than any dress ever could.

I still haven't quite figured out what her style is. But I believe her fashion sense is like her music taste: all over the place. And it suits her just fine. Looks good in anything.

She's Classic Elegance, Urban Chic, sometimes Punk Rock, Traditional without being boring, but most of the time she's a Boho princess.

MY bohemian princess.

"Holy shit yourself." She whispered in my ear when I welcomed her into my arms at the bottom of the staircase.

I wore that yellow shirt she saw me in during one of our video chats a few days ago and told me how much she liked it. With a tug at the hem and a playful smirk she acknowledged it and bit her lip.


When she asked what we were doing and I told her this was our first official date, her face lit up like a Christmas tree.

No matter how many times she assures me she doesn't care that we don't go out and that we're always hiding from the world, I know she deserves so much better than what I've been offering.

And even though she was the one to suggest we remain undercover for as long as possible, this is me trying to provide some sort of normalcy.

However, my version of 'dinner and a movie' consists of dinner in my dining room and a movie in my basement. But Emi was excited about it regardless.

"It will be so much fun getting you out of that dress later." I teased on our way to the table.

"This isn't a one-night-stand, Mr. Styles. I don't have sex on the first date."

She was going to make me work for it.

Good. I never back down from a challenge.

The lights were dimmed so that the lit candles on the table were the main source of light in the room. A glass vase with a single red rose sat in-between the two tallest candlesticks. I ordered a bottle of my favorite Chardonnay and Italian pasta that I know she likes.

And if I knew she'd be smiling this much all night I would've done this sooner.

I had this planned since before Em arrived on Friday, but I wanted it to be on the last night of her stay here so she could go home on the best note possible. That's why I convinced her to change her plane ticket for later in the night the first time. But then I got greedy and wanted to wake up next to her the following morning.

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