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Every new experience with Harry is even better than the previous ones. How? I have no idea.

I was convinced he had delivered the very best of him the first time and there was no way he could outperform himself after that.

Well, I was absolutely wrong.

The unromantic conversation we had last time about me being on birth control pills permanently to help me regulate my periods gave us the confidence to be spontaneous. Yes, unromantic but necessary. I don't know if it was smart of me to trust him not to use protection... Actually, I do know. That was stupid! Definitely a very irresponsible decision this early in our 'relationship'.

But I do.

I trust him.

My conscience hits me in the head while my ego pats me in the back.

Tonight, a question I've thought about since that Sunday in Baltimore comes back gnawing at me: what would it feel like if he ever made love to me? But I shrug it off before it ruins the perfection of this moment in which we lay in bed making plans for the next time we'll see each other.

I'm getting used to having a tomorrow to look forward to.

Harry and his band still have a couple more dates here in the States but will soon be going back to England for the last leg of the tour.

"I know I'm asking too much of you, but it's the only way. Is this or waiting until tour is over and God knows neither one of us is very good at waiting." His back rests on a pile of pillows while I lie diagonally looking up with my head on his stomach.

"Hey, speak for yourself!"

"Hey, you did sleep with me on our second date."

"First of all, we've never been on a date. Second, that only happened because I thought I'd never get to see you again, so waiting was not an option. And third, are you calling me easy?"

I pretend to be offended, but deep inside I know for a fact he's got it too easy with me, I've barely presented any resistance. It seems I have a weakness for him.

"Of course not. Easy would've been if you'd slept with me on our first non-date." He winks at me playfully but his eyes tell me he holds no judgment.

"And that's what you're used to, right? Women giving it all up to you in a heartbeat?"

I can't blame them though, I am now one of them.

"I thought we were discussing London here?" Diverting my questions again, I see. Typical Harry!

"Fine, I'll go to London, too." My voice is almost a whisper.

"What was that? Did I hear you right? Did you just say you'll come see me in London?"

"I did."

He rewards my response with sweet kisses and cuddles. And between talks of our upcoming scheduled visits and Harry telling me stories about London, I fall comfortably asleep in his arms.

The air conditioning in the room must be set too low because the shivering wakes me up. It's still dark outside, but the city lights illuminate the room enough to make all my surroundings visible. The digital clock on the nightstand indicates it's 3:27 a.m. So, I've been asleep less than two hours.

I was sleeping on my stomach and the sheets have slipped down to my lower back. The arms I feel asleep in are no longer around me and I miss their warmth as soon as I notice they're nowhere to be found.

Harry forbade me to put any clothes on after our shower together, one of his rules, he reminded me. Now I'm freezing and I wish I had disobeyed and put on my pajamas.

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