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A pit-stop in a restroom is a must, we have to fix our hair and freshen up. My airline-approved bag of toiletries saves the day.

Harry forces me to go into the men's restroom with him but there's no time for me to argue. I just hope no one sees us walking out of here together or they'll think we were having sex in the bathroom. And they'll only be half-wrong.

When we arrive at the dressing rooms, the entire band is ready to go except, of course, for Harry who has to change clothes in a flash.

He strips down to his briefs (for the second time tonight!) unbothered by the fact that there are at least another dozen people around.

No one, not even the women here, seem affected by the half-naked man in the middle of the room. This sight is common to them. To me, that sight is only my privilege and everyone should look away.

Emilia! Who are you? Stop that!

A bearded, brown-haired, sparkly-eyed man who just got freed from the hair dresser, approaches me while Harry sits a few feet from us putting on his boots.

"Hi, I'm Liam."

Harry's bandmate shakes my hand and it's obvious by the crease in his brow that he's trying to figure out who I am. They're not used to unfamiliar faces in their private rooms.

"Hi, Liam! I'm Emilia, nice to meet you."

Enlightenment immediately reflects on his face and he greets me again but with a hug this time.

"You're Harry's Emilia!"

Seems I'm a lot more popular around here than I thought.

"I guess I am. But don't worry, I've been called worse!"

He bursts out laughing as a tall figure in all-black and gold boots appears from behind him.

"Hey, I heard that!" Harry stands next to me and puts his arm around my waist.

"I already like her. Good job, mate!" Liam says to him.

"I told you you would."

Niall, the fourth and final member of the band I had yet to meet, joins us a minute later followed by Louis.

After formal introductions and them asking questions about my job and telling me stories of their short visits to Baltimore, I decide I really like all of them. They're extremely nice to me and they make me feel welcomed and comfortable.

Louis introduces me to one of his sisters who's touring with them and Liam to his mom, who strikes me as one of those ladies that acts as everybody's mom because they just have that instinct to protect everyone.

Both Louis and Liam have girlfriends but they're not here tonight. Niall is now the only single one of the quartet.

Looking around the room for signs of Harry's mother, I figure I'll have to apologize to her in another occasion. Anne's not here which means she might had already gone to take her seat to wait for the show.

When everybody starts saying their goodbyes to the people they won't see after the show, Niall turns to me, hugs me and says:

"Hope to have you around longer sometime soon, Emilia."

"Thank you! And please, call me Emi."

He's the one I talked to the most, now I know why Harry is closest to him.

"Ya got it, Emi. Nice to see you again."

"Again?" I'm confused.

"I was there the night you and Harry met, remember?"

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