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Kai arrives bringing Sasha the things she left at the shelter: a duffle bag with her clothes and a folder with all the baby-related medical documents. It's so sad to think that a person's entire life can be reduced to a duffle bag!

He joins us for a cup of coffee while they narrate the events of the past couple of days from their own perspectives.

Sasha tells us a bit about her reunion with her younger and only sister, Layla. The sisters had been out of touch since Sasha was thrown out of the house because their parents have kept Layla on a tight leash. But she took advantage of her parents' absence at that time when she got the call, to go to the hospital and see Sasha.

Now that she's starting college, she'll have more freedom to come visit. That is amazing news for my friend, she really needs that connection to family.

When Kai leaves and I convince Sasha to take a warm, relaxing bath before settling in, I go downstairs to the store.

"Is there something wrong with the guy? Why can't I see him?" Jackson is impatient to meet the mysterious man I'm dating.

I shouldn't have told him I was going to Skype with Harry!

"You'll meet him soon, I promise. Now go home!"

He stands in front of my desk with his arms crossed in protest. I absolutely love this man! Him, Jazz and Kai make the holy trinity of best friends.

"Are you afraid I'm gonna steal him from you? Is that it?"

"Jack... Out!"

I blow him a kiss before he closes the door behind him and I get a smile and an eye roll in return.

I realize as I turn on the computer that it's only been hours since I left Los Angeles, but I already miss Harry.

Just seeing him makes the tension and worries of the day start to fade.

"Hello there, gorgeous! Wait, what's wrong?"

"Is that obvious, huh?" I chuckle.

I hadn't noticed it was evident on my face that today has been a crazy roller coaster ride.

"You have very expressive eyes, my love. I can see they're sad even though you're smiling."

His voice, his words, are the hug I've been needing.

I tell Harry about Sasha: how we met, what her situation is and what happened. He's shocked and feels guilty, like I do, for complaining about Kai calling and encouraging me to ignore him.

When I get to the part about going to see her at the hospital, all the emotions I had been bottling up inside all day begin to flood and the tears flow like a river.

"I didn't mean to ruin our time 'together' with my crying, I'll stop now."

I can't see him if my eyes are waterfalls, it's a waste.

"I hate to see you cry, but in this case, it's good for you, Em. It's great that you could stay strong in front of your friend, but this is me. You can talk to me, you can cry with me. I'm here for all of it."

"How am I going to make it through two weeks without you?"

It's hard to imagine, when this morning I woke up next to him and I already wish I could have him here to hold me right now.

"You don't have to. You can come with me to Ireland tonight."

"Don't start!" I scold.

"You started it!"

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