23: EUROPA (Earth's Cry Heaven's Smile).

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The sequence of events after Harry removes his boxers is a blur.

I barely have any recollection of the turning and shifting that led to us being this close, him on top of me kissing my neck, me tilting my head back while burying my hands in his hair, his weight pressing on me, our legs tangled and in constant motion.

Somehow, I feel like I could be floating over the bed watching this scene take place from up high, like an outer body experience, and see Harry's back muscles flex as he tours my body top to bottom with his lips, see myself in a state of ecstasy dissimilar to anything I've ever felt before.

And it's a beautiful sight.

He abruptly hugs my waist and sits up taking me with him. I'm straddling him and we're face to face, our noses an atom away from touching, my hands locked in the back of his neck and his resting on my lower back.

I take my time to memorize every detail of his stunning face, my memory will be my only ally tomorrow when he's gone. He's staring back and biting his lip in what I know now it's a habit of his, and that does it for me. I need to kiss him.

I want him, now.

Our mouths collide and it's impossible to breathe. But who needs oxygen? The texture of his tongue wrestling with mine is all I care about.

"Don't." I interrupt the kiss when Harry tries to unhook my bra. I notice his fingers hesitate for a split second but he obeys without questions. He must think I'm crazy!

Takes no effort for our mouths to find each other again. It's a deep kiss, it's a messy kiss, it's wild, it's unrestrained and it's sooo hot!

His hands grab my thighs and gently lift me up, I help supporting my weight on my feet as he adjusts himself under me and lowers me very slowly onto him, both of us gasping at the same time. The pause in which we adapt to being connected like puzzle pieces, is the moment I grant myself the certainty that I will never regret this.

I could never regret feeling this good.

My hips begin to rock back and forth and his move up and down, slowly, patiently, savoring every second.

Kneeling and being on top of him I have complete control of the situation and this is something Harry's given to me. He could've had me any way he wanted and still chose to put me at the wheel and let me drive. Most men want to be in charge and be dominant the first time they're with a woman... or every time. It gives them a sense of power, of ownership, which is all that is wrong with their gender.

Harry is nothing like them.

At record time I can confirm he is the best, and the most generous lover I've ever had. I can decide how fast or slow we go, how soft or hard, how deep, how long. This tells me he's an expert. He knows exactly what he's doing and what he'll get out of it.

The more relaxed I am, the lower I let myself go. I can feel all of him inside me and it's glorious. The pace we've maintained so far has been delicious but I need more, so I accelerate the rhythm, up and down, back and forth, faster.

This position is so intimate, it's actually an odd choice for a 'casual encounter' with a stranger. But I have no complaints. I guess we've been anything but stereotypical until now, so why start here?

Our mouths are glued together and every now and then he'd bite my lip causing me to moan into the kisses or I'd sink my nails into the skin of his back a little too deep. They might have left a mark or two.


Harry's hands grip my hips helping me lift my body with less effort, they're super soft when he touches me but incredibly strong when he holds me. I would say his hands are one of his best assets, but then again all of his body parts are his best assets. If he has one physical flaw, I still haven't noticed.

A growing pressure in my belly tells me I'm getting close to that moment I've been eagerly waiting for. Harry is getting there too. There are little moans I hear in between the moving of his lips on my skin that give him away. My insides begin to tense and I know what's coming.

This is one of those very rare times when you can tell how good the climax is going to be before it happens, so I go for it.

"Oh, God" I hold on tight to his biceps and throw my head back as the most intense pleasure I've ever experienced hits me with a force I can't express with enough accuracy to be truthful to it.

I can't give a name to what I'm feeling just as I can't explain to myself how is it even possible when I've known this man for two days.

If this moment was a song it would be Europa by Carlos Santana. No lyrics, just the sexy sound of his magical electric guitar playing the most seductive chords ever recorded.

I'm rejoicing in the sensation while my muscles contract once, twice, and again and I hear Harry's voice in my ear.

"Fuck!" And I know it's his turn.

His forehead falls on my chest and I stroke his hair as we both come slowly back down from our high. All I have left to hope for is that it was at least half as good for him as it was for me.

We remain in that position for a while, totally spent and out of air. Only thing I can think about at this precise moment, when my vision is blurry and my legs are weak is... if this is the way he has meaningless sex, then I can't imagine what it's like when he makes love...


EUROPA (Earth' Cry Heaven's Smile) - Carlos Santana.

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