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"I know your mom and Robin met me already. But it's your sister I'm worried about."

Harry parks the car in his mother's driveway, but I need a minute to get myself together before we go inside the house and I formally meet his mother, stepfather, sister and his sister's boyfriend.

Today is finally the day.

"Why? Gemma will adore you, I can guarantee that!"

"How can you?"

He always seems so sure of his words, but I know he's only trying to calm me down.

"Because she hasn't met you and she already likes you."

I've been a nervous wreck since we arrived in London, which isn't like me at all. I don't know what's gotten into me.


She's never seen me before!

"Because of all the wonderful things she's heard about you from me."

"You're disgustingly sweet, I despise you."

"I love you too, drama queen. But don't be nervous, Gemma is harmless."

"I would die if Gemma doesn't like me! She's super important to you, and she's your big sister, what if she thinks I'm not good enough for you and she totally hates me?"

"Hey, slow down! Who even are you right now? Where's the confident, strong Emilia I know?

"She stayed at the airport. Can we go back and get her?"

It was amazing finally getting to go somewhere together. I met him yesterday in Spain and from there we flew to London.
There were some cameras waiting for us outside of Heathrow but thankfully here, press has restricted access to certain areas of the airport facilities.

"Stop that! It's gonna be okay. More than okay. You are going to walk in there, charm the hell out of everyone, Gemma is going to love you, and I'll be there holding your hand the entire time."


"Seriously?" He responds in a mocking tone, both because I shouldn't question he'll be there for me, and because we know the rule about no promises was my idea.

"I'm sorry I'm being such a baby! It's just that getting along with one of the most important people in your life is a really big deal for me... What? Why are you smiling like an idiot?"

"'Cause you're turning me into one." He leans in and kisses me. "I love that you care so much about my family liking you. Thank you. But stop stressing! There's absolutely no way they won't fall stupidly in love with you like I did."

"Did I ever tell you I despise you with all my heart?"

"You did ten seconds ago. Always so romantic!"

"I know, I can't help it!"

An innocent kiss becomes a dangerous one within seconds.

"Get off me! I can't walk in there with wrinkled clothes and messed-up makeup." I accuse as I try in vain to push Harry back into his seat.

"I'm sure my mother won't mind if we're a little late..."

"Shut up and take me inside before I chicken out."

Harry rings the doorbell and squeezes my hand that hasn't stopped shaking since we got out of the car.

We couldn't get a better welcome than Anne's beautiful smile, which is the first thing we see when the doors open.

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