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It's around 10:30 in the morning when I walk into the hotel lobby. I'm scared shitless, to be completely honest. But I'm already here and I'm not backing down.

I get in the elevator and press the button for the top floor and then type the code Harry provided. Yes, I know, I've never stayed at a hotel room I needed a special code to get to, either. When I reach the door to the presidential suite I hesitate before knocking. The door opens just seconds after I do.

"You're here!" Harry welcomes me with a warm smile and a surprised expression, giving away he didn't believe I would actually show up.

"I said I'd be here." He moves aside so I can come in and closes the door behind me. We stand there for a moment not knowing what the proper greeting should be. He makes the first move and gives me an awkward hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm glad you kept your word." He genuinely thought I'd chicken out, I bet.

"I always do." I offer my most innocent smile.

His hotel 'room' is probably bigger than my entire apartment. There's a living room, a dining area, a mini bar and an office desk, all in an open layout, then two doors that I assume are the bedroom and bathroom. Harry points to a coat rack next to the door and I hang my purse. Despite everything that happened yesterday I feel extremely nervous, like we're meeting for the first time.

I don't know what to say or do next so I'm relieved when he takes my hand like it's the most normal thing in the world and leads us to the couch located under a window that overlooks the entire city. Although it wouldn't make a difference if the building was surrounded by a landfill instead, because the view inside is the best I've ever seen: Harry in tight dark blue jeans, a long-sleeved black button down shirt with tiny white polka dots, hair down, black socks, no shoes. Top four buttons of his shirt are open and his chest tattoos peek out taunting me, calling me. I'm not sure I'll be able to look at his eyes at all.

What is going on with me and my hormones? I'm never this... I don't even know how to call it! He affects me in a way that's completely new to me and I don't know how to deal with that.

Pushing these thoughts to the back of my head so I don't blush every other second for no reason, I sit down and look at Harry waiting for him to say something first.

"You look lovely today."

"Thank you. It's the best I could do given the change in plans." He smiles sweetly and I feel grateful I'm here now. I probably would've gone insane waiting at home until noon.

"I'm sorry I made you hurry. I just had nothing else to look forward to today but seeing you, and patience is not one of my virtues."

"Didn't you have your friends to hang out with while you waited?" I mean, if his bandmates are in this hotel too, he could've passed time with them until I got here when we had agreed.

"There's no one here but me. Well, except for William, of course. They've all flown to Philadelphia last night after the show, that's our next date. They're spending their day off there. I'm the only one who chose to stay here and fly today."

"May I ask when did you decide to stay here?" I have my suspicions he just wasn't 'in town one more day' like he so casually mentioned yesterday.

"Last night, in the parking lot, right before I invited you to come."

I blush, for the hundredth time, but pretend like he didn't say anything of importance and carry on.

"So, are you leaving this afternoon?"

"...Or night. It depends." He's staring intensely into my eyes as he utters the last two words, I play along.

"Depends on what?"

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