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The concert is an amazing experience, not only because they're home, but also because I get to share it with some of the boys' loved ones. Everyone's out of their seats laughing, singing and dancing. I'm having a lot of fun!

Anne and Robin introduce me to some of these people but it's nothing more than 'hellos' and 'nice-to-meet-yous' because it's almost impossible having a conversation over the music, but that doesn't stop both Anne and I from trying.

I find it endearing how pretty much everyone, the fans included, refers to Harry, Niall, Louis and Liam as 'the boys'. They're all grown up men but I guess starting their careers so young has earned them that title for the rest of their lives. Louis even has a son and still gets called 'boy'!

But now I understand... I suppose they're now 'the boys' to me, too.

When the show is over, I get a chance to talk to Anne a little more until it's time for her and her husband to go. They have already said their goodbyes to Harry earlier since they'll be seeing him again in London in a couple of days.

"It's been so lovely to meet you, Mrs. Twist."

I attempt to go for a hand shake but she pulls me into a hug.

"Likewise, my dear. But I told you to call me Anne. I look around the place searching for my mother-in-law whenever I hear 'Mrs. Twist!'" She did say it previously, it just feels strange for now. "And I know you're only here for a day or two, but maybe next time we can have you over for dinner?"

The 'no family yet' clause of our agreement was broken tonight anyway. It's officially voided. Exactly what Harry wanted all along.

"I'd really like that." And it's true. They've been really nice to me.

For tonight, Harry and I are staying at a hotel nearby and then William will drive us to London tomorrow where we'll spend the day at Harry's new house.

To unwind from the crazy pace of the day, we take a long, hot bath that feels like heaven. Finally, some quiet time to be alone together. It's just me in his arms talking of whatever, as always.

"You totally set me up, don't lie!" I accuse.

"I did no such thing! I had given the tickets to my friend Augie and his girlfriend, but he called my mum to say they couldn't make it just this afternoon. I didn't know she'd decide to use them. That was sneaky of her, I admit. I guess she couldn't wait to meet you."

Right, he did mention that about his friend to me days ago. 'Augie is my Jasmine' he said.

"I didn't mind meeting them, Har. I would've liked a little heads up, that's all. Both your mom and Robin are lovely."

He's absurdly happy about us meeting, so that makes it all worth it.

"I'm glad you liked them. Mum loved you."

The warmth of his breath on my neck helps me relax more than the water and the bath salts.

"And how do you know that?"

"She told me. She called to say goodnight while you waited with William in the car."

"I've been invited to dinner at their house, you know?"

"I heard. Maybe we can do it next week if you'd fly with me from L.A."

"Well... they didn't say anything about you. They only mentioned me!"

Laughs turn into play, play turns into a tickle war, which turns into our hands all over each other and that leads to our mouths battling each other, which results in firework-worthy slow, tender love-making.

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