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"Part 1: ELIJAH."

Last night I met Emi's other men: her father and brother.

She was right, her father didn't like me.
It was rough right from the start, from the very first hand shake.

"Good evening, sir. It's very nice to meet you. I'm Harry."

"My name is Elijah. But you can call me Dr. Brant."

Great... Noted!

I understand it, though. If someone was doing with my only daughter the same things I'm doing with Em, I would want to kill the son of a bitch, too.
Thank God he can only suppose!

Stefan tried to compensate by being overly nice. Big sigh of relief. A controlling brother would've been a nightmare... I have enough with her dad!

He supports whatever makes Emilia happy, I can see it in the things he says and the way he treats her. But I can also tell they're very close and he's protective of her . So, I should be fine as long as I keep his sister smiling.

I assume he must not know the details of what happened in Los Angeles or he wouldn't have been so friendly with me.

After the initial introductions and some awkward chatter, Em gave me a tour of the house. Starting right there in the living room, I was attracted immediately to the family photos on top of the fireplace.

Her parents on their wedding day in the first photo. Stella looking incredibly beautiful in her white dress and long vail... it gave me chills. That's how my girl is going to look when she gets married, because they're almost mirror images of each other.
And I surprised myself fantasizing with that scenario and wishing it's me she walks down the aisle to when that happens (too soon?).

The rest of the framed memories told a story.

Dr. Brant in a graduation gown holding his master's diploma, with a not more than 5-months-pregnant Stella standing next to him.

Both of them in a hospital bed holding in their arms a baby dressed in pink from head to toe.
My baby as a baby. Probably the first and last time she wore all pink, too!

Next one was a 2-year old Emi in the cutest pigtails and an adorable purple Ravens cheerleader outfit, touching her mother's very pregnant belly. Now I know her love for Baltimore and her Ravens started when she first opened her eyes.

The first family picture on that mantle with all its four members in it is from when Stefan was approximately 3 years old. Then it skipped all the way to each of the children's high school graduations: Emilia's with, and Stefan's without Stella.

The last family picture might have been from some time after Stella's leukemia had started to take a toll on her body. The weight loss was evident in the sharpness of her jaw and in her collarbone sticking out from the V-neck of her shirt. Her eyes had a tired expression and dark circles under them.

But she still smiled.

Oh, that smile that I see all the time in Em's face! It must be haunting for her father to look at her and see the living ghost of his departed wife. If it wasn't for her electric blue eyes and unruly wavy hair, she'd be Stella's clone.

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