A Day At The farm

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And, so that we could spend more time together, he also asked me to come with him. Hence, we were on our way to the restaurant.

"Oh, I did not know it was situated in the countryside..! Ah, it feels really good to breathe in the fresh air of the countryside!"

"You bet! And this is exactly what I need right now. After being sick, there is nothing more refreshing than a breath of fresh air- Oh, look at the cows there!!"

"Oh yeah! There are SO many! And  they're quite big too...!"

"Not as big as the one sitting beside me though."

"Yeah, I'll give you that. Hey, seriously speaking, do you think I have fattened a lot..?"

Thus, we had a nice little chat all the way. If you are wondering about his response to the question above, then it was a 'fat' yes. But knowing Chanyeol, he did not really care about my weight that much. And he is still able to lift me up, so I must not be that heavy... at least I hope so...! 

We soon arrived at the restaurant. It was actually a garden restaurant. A GINORMOUS one, should I say! There were dining tables fancily arranged in the garden which was separated by well decorated, pebbled paths. We could also spot gardeners planting and picking herbs, which would most certainly be used by the chefs. Wow! Not only was this place classy and huge, but it was also auto-sufficient in herbs and spices too! That was really impressive!

"Hey guys! I am here!"

We barely heard Kyungsoo as we were still mesmerised by the size of that place.

"Oh hey Kyungsoo! How are you?"

"I am fine and you guys? I hope the trip here was all okay. I see you have come to enjoy your lunch along together, finally like a couple.

"Wait, how did you know we were going out!?"
I said surprisingly. I mean, I was not shy or did not mean to hide it from him either, but it was just that we barely see him, or even talk to him as a matter of fact. So, how did he come to know!?

"I always knew it, but I just confirmed it now. And if it were not the case, you guys would not have come alone. It is that simple."

"Yeah yeah, enough about us. Tell us how's it going for you? With work and all?" Chanyeol quickly let out, as if he was still shy to talk about our relationship. But it could also be because he missed Kyungsoo so much and wanted to catch up on all that has happened to him. In any case, I let that slide by as, honestly, Kyungsoo was of much greater interest since we barely got into contact with other.

"Well, firstly, let me just announce that I am now an assistant chef."

Chanyeol and I both cried out. Aw, if I had known, I would have brought some chocolates, and a cake too at the same time!!

And hence, we got to know more about Kyungsoo's interesting journey so far. We also got to visit the restaurant's own farm, where they bred chicken, ducks, sheep and cows!! Wow! This restaurant is really impressive! And thanks to Kyungsoo, we even got some time to interact with the farm animals!!

"Did you know that we also make our own mozzarella here? Impressive, huh? Actually, as you may have already noticed, the chef is quite adamant about having fresh ingredients, especially mozzarella. The fresher, the better, isn't it? Would you guys like to see the kitchen inside?"

"You mean... like the chef's workplace and all? WOW! Can we really go there?"

"Yes, gentleman and my lady. As you are Kyungsoo's close friends, you are allowed to do so."
We heard someone speak behind us, startling both Chanyeol and I, especially Chanyeol, as you might have already guessed. I swear, what a scaredy-cat...!

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