"Pull out your wrists!"

And so I did.


WHAT THE...!? I actually had a genuine handcuff on my wrist!! Where did he get that from!? And damn it was heavy...! It was seriously not like in movies, where people would be easily doing stunts while being handcuffed; I could barely lift my hands as easily as before...! Where did he get that anyway!? 

"Don't give me the surprised look, I warned you yesterday. And if you are wondering where I got it, then don't worry, I will be telling you when the challenge is over. Hehehe..."

Damn, the handcuffs were itchy; I wanted it off me already...!! I soon started to feel restricted, and it was annoying me, greatly

"Now you may proceed with the coffee. Be careful...! If you need any help, I'll be in the living room." 

'I'll be in the living room' ey...? HA! He was already enjoying it...! But I lost yesterday, fair and square. Plus, that would teach me good; and if it could cure me of my childishness, that would be great too..! 

I carried on with the coffee. I managed add the coffee powder and sugar just fine; but adding the hot water from the thermos and stirring it all up were the difficult part! I spilled some water and had to move both of my hands while stirring. But to be honest, I found it a bit funny. I guess that my childishness was not going to disappear that easily after all...

After being done with it, I went straight in the living room, where I found a Chanyeol completely lost in a documentary on wild life. 

"There you go, sir."

"Thank you."

I sat next to him and I soon got engrossed in the documentary too. Of course, to drink, I had to move both hands, but so far, I was adapting to the situation quite well. We became so engrossed in the program that we kept watching for almost an hour, without even moving from our initial positions. Ahh... If only the whole day could pass just as smoothly as right now, that would be great...!

"Don't worry. I'll get serious soon. Let me just finish with my coffee", he said with a grin.

Did I think it out loud!? I had no memories of having opened my mouth and letting any words out..! But it would seem that it was too good to be true...! Ah, what did he have in store for me..?

We finished up with breakfast and I headed in the kitchen with our cups.

"Again be careful with the cups. If you need help-"

"Yeah yeah. Thanks but I will be just fine. I'll be with you in a second."

I heard him chuckle in the distance. He was really having a lot of fun..! Well, I had my fair share too. Washing the dishes was not so bad either, except that I was beginning to feel REALLY restricted! I didn't like this feeling at all! And to top it all, the challenge had just started; I had to bear with it a whole day...!

"Have you finished yet?"
Being impatient now ey...?

"Yeah, I'm done. Now what do you want me to do?"

"Huh? Nothing..."

"WHAT!? Then why did you say that you are going to get serious?"

"I was just messing with you, hehehe... I just wanted to handcuff you and see your reaction."

"And THAT was it...!? You know, you are beginning to behave a bit like a sadist person...! And it's scaring me a little, to be honest."

"We all have a little sadistic side to our personality babe. Its intensity just varies from person to person, that's all."

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