For You I Care (1)

Start bij het begin

With that, we started our walk in the reserve. Chanyeol kept looking at the trees attentively. He was trying to find the landmark where he spotted the path, faintly traced in the ground. But he was being a bit too observant...

"Hey.. Don't worry, we wi-"


Wow! If I had known, I would have asked sooner.... hahaha... The trees made way for a narrow passage, a barely noticeable one on top of that! How did he manage to find this!? The tall trees along the way made the path seem kind of creepy, which appealed to our adventurous senses!! I was thrilled to know where this narrow, creepy path would lead us!!

"You ready? Let's wait for this group of tourist to pass by then we shall follow this narrow alley."

I nodded. Obviously, we would not be doing this while we had at least 10 pairs of eyes on us!! That was the only thing we were afraid of, but little was I aware of what was going to happen to me along the way. If only I had dissuaded him from going then...!

The tourists finally made their way deeper into the reserve, while we were following our adventurous instincts deeper into the woods. We ran till we were sure that no one would see us, then we continued walking down the creepy passage. And fortunately for us the sky was cloudy, so we did not have the sun heating our heads till 50°C!! However, it seemed as if it would rain any moment.

"Hey... I think we should speed up the pace. It may rain soon. Thankfully mom gave me the umbrella..."

"Yeah you are right. Let's speed up then."

Oh my God, if I had known, I would have stayed quiet! I COMPLETELY forgot that I was walking with a giant; with each step he took, I had to take 2.5! And now that he had increased his walking speed, I was practically running!!

"Having trouble keeping up babe? Want me to carry you, bridal style...? hehehe..."

"Thank you. You are too kind but I still have my own two feet. So I'll just use them." I was already panting...! How unfit was I!? I was aware that I might get tired easily, but that was way too soon to get tired..!! And on top of that, I HATED RUNNING TO THE CORE OF MY EXISTENCE!! Maybe, I should have taken his offer after all.

As we went deeper in the woods, the path became rockier and the sky became darker. It was just like in some horror movies..!

"Cool! The atmosphere would be suitable for a horror movie right now! Isn't it!?"

"Exactly my thought!! This is getting more fun and more interesting...!!"

It really felt as if we were in some kind of movie, waiting for something to come surging on our faces...!! I honestly hoped that nothing of that sort would happen to us though! No no no! That was not the time to be negative...!! At least we would not be meeting any tigers or bears on our way... hehehe...!!

We walked, and walked, and walked. We seemed to be turning around in circle. And of course, there was no network connection here, so finding our way back using GPS and the Internet...!

"Uhh... Chanyeol... babe you know where we are heading, right? I don't want to be a killjoy here but I think it would be best if we... you know... return back now... isn't it?"

"I... Let's explore some more. I feel we are nearing a clearing or something. I heard there was a gorge nearby. Maybe that is why the path is getting rockier as we go deeper."

Okay, he managed to persuade me to continue. And how could I have refused? He was so beautiful when he was all focused, intrigued and determined like that. As I had mentioned before, I liked seeing this kind of expression on people's faces. But I had to admit that when Chanyeol had that expression, my heart would stop beating for a millisecond. When would I be able to be as focused and as determined as he was now, in my life!?!?


Ahh, it started to rain. I thought it would be best if we turned back now. At least we would be lucky enough reach a kiosk before we got drenched.

"Chan I-"

"Get your umbrella out. Give me a few more minutes. I think we are approaching something."

I swear, he was totally into this. Ahh and screw that! As long as I was with him, nothing bad would happen right? Nevertheless, I could not shake that odd feeling that was slowly creeping inside my heart. Was it a premonition? Should I insist on going back? The best thing to be done was to speak about it with Chanyeol.

"Chan, I am having an awkward feeling. I think I want to go back now. Please let's just head back."

"Yeah wait. Give me a second"
I was sure he would not listen. As focused as he was right now, not even food would distract him!

I was getting worried now. That awkward feeling was strengthening and I did not feel right about it, AT ALL! I had always got a premonition, a feeling just like this one, just before something bad happened. Oh my God, at this point I was praying hard that no harm would come to us or either of our parents at ho-


I stumbled on a rock and fell, hitting my knees hard against some sharp-edged rocks and brushed my right elbow against the ground. My elbow was itching and it was hurting me, but I did not feel any pain in my knees just yet. However, as I tried to make any little movement at all, it hurt like hell..!!!

"Oh my God are you hurt!? Oh God..!!! Take my hand!! Does it hurt badly!?!? Oh God...!!"

"It hurts a bit. I will be okay-"

"Oh my God, please forgive me! I was not paying attention to you at all! I should have listened to you please forgive me! I-"

"Hey! Don't sweat it, I'll be fine. It just stings a bit..!"

"OH MY GOD YOU ARE BLEEDING!! I am SO sorry about this!! I-I-"
He broke into tears, and as he did so, my heart shattered into pieces. I did not know it would pain that much seeing him cry...!! Moreover, I was the one hurt here, and he was the one crying..!! He was so sweet, so cute right now that I could not resist the feeling of cupping his face and drying his tears..!!

"I have a first aid kit in my bag. Can you please help me with it?"

He simply nodded. He was crying too much to be able to speak. My heart went soft for him at that moment! My eyes began itching as tears were threatening to fall, not only because seeing him cry made me sad, but also because it stung each time he applied the disinfectant lotion on my wounds!! I could no longer hold my tears and hence, I buried my face in my palms, trying to hide them as I knew it would make him feel worse.

"I-I promise I will listen to you from now on...! I will do everything you say, every little thing you say! I promise I will never let you get hurt again- Oh my God I feel SO bad right now!!"

I wiped down my tears and comforted him with a smile. His words went straight to my heart. The worry and sadness in his voice would obviously not leave me unmoved. Oh my God, how much I loved him right now... I would never have thought a simple thing like that would have made him cry..! He was the purest living creature on this planet, truly an angel!

"Hey.. You are not at fault here. Please don't cry...!! Things like that happens to everyone. There is nothing to cry about. "
Even though I cried too, hahaha... Well, that meant that we were both crybabies at least... hehehe...

"And I think I will take you on your offer. I think I would not mind piggyback ride after that.. hehehe..."

He wiped his tears and helped me get up. He knelt so that I could hold on to his shoulders and slowly stoop up. I held on to him as tightly as I could as he stood. Hence we both headed back, but somehow, I still felt that uneasiness bugging me. Was something bad going to happen again?

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